
There is an alarm that rings at the end of 1 hour in this video. I've lowered the volume of the bell (lower than usual), but the rest of the video is pretty quiet, so it might seem especially loud. Take note so that you don't get a shock! ♥️


Loving this! I've been studying with all of your videos this week


I'm a procrastinator and your videos truly helped me overcome that and focus more without taking breaks, thanks!


your shirt is so cute!


you're my favorite person to study with!!


I have been loving to study along with you in these videos, they've definitely helped me stay more focused. I've tried a few apps on my phone before but they didn't work quite well for me, I would always feel tempted to use my phone, check how much time I had left and it just... didn't work lol It's way easier to stay focused for the whole length of the video though. I do as much as I can within the time, make the best out of it and drop the pen and stop everything as soon as the video is over. Finding a comfortable place to study is also a game-changer! AHAHA Anyways, thank you for these videos! 💖


finishing 3 of these 1hr videos somehow feels easier than finishing the 3hr one


Thank u so much for keeping me motivated to study. Btw miss u come back soon :)


어떻게해도 시간은 가는데 더 유용하게 공부하며 보내는 방법. 공부 친구를 해주어 고마워요~


Thank u u gave me a lot of motivation


i'm a fan






Where did you get your shirt? your shirt is very nice...


What mechanical pencil were you using?