Present 😊. THANK YOU 😊
Where is the 5 star rating button on this video 🙄
Yes, Thank you.
PART 2 😊
As always, excellent video
Thank you for this video
Let's get that part 2 dialed in and released!
wow you updated the graphics...good job great video! keep coming!
Great video! Can you make a video on dividends as well?
I have a question?
Yes, please make the part 2. The content is quite good.
Goes to my Top 2023 videos
Yes I want the second part 😅
Hey love the content 💕
Thank you for another great video. Just a heads up that Nvidia is pronounced "en-vidia", not "neh-vidia". Thanks!
Thank you ❤
Don't get me wrong this video has great content. My only issue is that it's the same recycled info from your previous videos with little changes here and there.
Are you a financial advisor? If so, where? Most financial advisors do not follow the wisdom of Warren and Charlie!
You are very informative and accurate. Just subscribed today. So many people focus on what Warren says.... Charlie has just as much knowledgeable input. Plus when i hear him talk, Charlie is so funny and quick witted.