
i heavily enjoyed watching doc play a more serious shooter type of game this was so much fun to watch ty Drdisrespect i appreciate this new blend of content.


26:49 the Best To Ever Do It.. triple headshots


I was ILoveTheDoc, thank you for playing with me. You're always there for me, Doc.


This man gets more views altogether then anyone he used to play with combined it’s crazy lol HES TRENDING ON YOUTUBE GAMING👏👏👏


No other gaming streamer is even close to the level of entertainment this living legend provides.


DOC! I love the streams, your streams are my go to for my TV enjoyment at night or when I'm waking up in the morning getting ready for work. I appreciate the great streams and I really hope YouTube WAKES UP and gets that monetization going!!


Always appreciate the time to take to talk to the champions club at the end of the stream, Doc! Firm handshakes, see you Wednesday 🤝🏻


Lol Doc is genuinely hilarious, nobody does it better.


doc Killing machine


3 Back To Back HeadShot Snipes HOLYYY 28:43


Amazing Delta Force stream Doc! Firmhandshakes to Doc! Nobody does it better! Love you Doc! Yayayayaya

COD 16:06 Wordle 34:48 Delta Force wins 1:17:00 1:47:00 2:19:00 2:41:00 5:35:00


I'm skeptical though. I've heard mixed reviews. Some say it's great, others not so much


Youtube better monetize this guy for how many ads they run on his streams...


This game is what COD’s DMZ mode should’ve been! Great stream doc!


I feel you! It's easy to get carried away. Just set a budget and stick to it, right


drdisrespect: best character from attitude era


Tarkov and bf combined 👀


Doc started to read my donation and then got distracted and forgot. :( I'm actually really liking Delta Force. I'm noticing a lot of little things that Dr wasn't. I hope he gives it another chance when it fully releases.


Aaron Finch at 4ra events adds a spark of reliability and quality, always a crowd-puller


Another awesome Monday with the BEST to EVER do it! ❤❤❤