
bruh the specs of my pc are weaker than my fridge


The real question is, can the refrigerator run DOOM?


Wanna try our school new pentium gaming PC
Me:Nuh uh


It's insane to me how companies consistently by the worst price to performance laptops possible. Most purchased in bulk are outdated, or worse than buy higher end previous gen laptops from a sale of another business. Yes, writing word documents don't need 16 cores, but if you work with large data sets and complicated presentations and so on, you need more than 8gb of RAM and 4 cores.


lmao my work laptop has a 3050ti for no reason but i love it


The genuine expression is so golden


My work computer's memory is always full, so I can only open a maximum of three tabs, not even school computers are that bad man.


This is actually a typical dilemma you may face in Japan. And they forbid you carry any machine to work to "protect company secret"πŸ˜‚


That's why I work at home.


The specs of my pc is weaker then πŸ”¦


Same goes for school pcs


In my case my office laptop is awesome 😜 but then I have to use cloud computer in it which is having worst spec πŸ’€


Mine is from 90s


Yeah so at one point I was following an industrial design class and the computers were like ten years old with Intel quad cores and... Quadro 4400s,i think?

This was in 2022, mind you. They also had the cheapest screens known to man, 1080p 60hz with a PPI so low (because they were so big) it felt like looking at a 70's CRT.


and office chair also are worse more than dining chair lol


Positivo computers be like:


that's brilliant πŸ€£πŸ‘ŒπŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£


32Gb Ram
intel uhd 720 πŸ—Ώ


Office❌ college βœ…πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Bruh its always the opposite for me