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This reminds me of this other case where a girl was held captive in her basement for 24 or so years by her own father. The movie “The Girl in the Basement” was based off of this case, and the events are so messed up… it resulted in her birthing seven kids and escaping at 42 years old


The fact that it's a true story is... just wow, that's fucked.


I love that you don’t have an ounce of sympathy for pedos like Wolfgang. They deserve hell for their crimes.


I’m so happy it got a good ending tho but the trauma would still be there


14:31 he probably shaved her head because he almost got caught by his mother because there was a strand of her hair on his clothes


10:51 Yes you can develop schizophrenia. It usually gives symptoms or is diagnosed at the ages of 18-35. Causes can range from drug abuse and when the brain produces much dopamine (why it produces too much is still unknown) to heredity and stress.

I am learning brain diseases and mental illnesses now in 9th grade in my human-bio classes. Hope this helps shooshiMooshi!


At 4:36 you say that he looks like that for the movie but Wolfgang Priklopil (the kidnapper) looked quite similar to the actor portraying him in the movie. So, technically, you are right. All in all, I think they did a solid job on the set. However, I believe Natasha mentioned that she didn't want the movie to come out after they changed directors for the film because the new one added things to the story that didn't actually happen. I'm not sure which scenes she was referring to tho.

Edit 1: Also, Natasha wasn't in the basement. I'll do my best to explain. The house had a basement, and on the basement floor, Priklopil built a trap door leading to another basement under the existing one. In the smaller basement, he had a cabinet, and behind that cabinet, he hid a secret door. Behind that door was a smaller room that led to Natasha's room. Also I think Priklopils mom wasn't living in the same house as him.

Edit 2: Wolfgang is a common name in Germany and Austria. For example, Mozart's full name was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. 😭


22:41 they don’t kill them selves because they feel regret or scared they don’t care about what they did and they don’t think they did anything wrong. They get depressed because they feel abandoned they’re literally falling in love with the children.


In like the 1960s a dude kidnapped a boy named steven for 8 years until he escaped with a little boy who got kidnapped also a few days before. He didnt think his family was out there but did this so the other kid wouldnt have to experience the same sa he did. Truely a hero. Very sad that they died young though. Steven died right after the movie about his story was made called "I know my name is Steven". May he rest in heaven i hope


There's a case similar to this called the Fritzel case. Have you seen it?

TW: Incest, rape, pedophilia.

So basically, Elizabeth Fritzel is a girl who wasn't very close to her father. But one day, he decides to take her to the bathroom and hide her under a secret compartment. She was kept there for a decade or more. The Father had several family gatherings and Christmases up there while using Elizabeth running away as a cover. He raped her several times, causing her to get pregnant and give birth to about 7 children. Most of them died. When she tried to make escape attempts, she was quickly met with punishment. The human brain learns that if you do one thing and get punished for it, it quickly learns quickly not to. So essentially, Elizabeth grew more docile and submissive. I'm not sure how it ended, but I just know it's awful.


Guys this is set in Vienna, Austria. Just thought I’d leave this here because at about 15:13 he’s like, “Ew, he calls himself Wolfgang?” It’s not that he calls himself Wolfgang. That’s his name. It’s a common German name.


Fact: Natascha was offener to take Wolfgangs House because all of his Family were already dead, she luckily Declined tho


You finally posted this! This was so fucked up, but watching you react to it makes it a little better lol. 😼


This is heart wrenching…poor girl D:


Shooshi is right though every kidnapper looks the same lol.


I remember this case, i am from Austria, it was all over the news for a while and my mother actually has had a first-hand experience with the kidnapper, suppossedly she met him at a new years or christmas party hosted by friends of hers (i dont remember what kind of party it was exactly, its been a while since she told me). Anyway, my mother actually met Wolfgang at a party WHILE the girl was still missing, according to my mother, he seemed completely normal at the time and no one realized what kind of monster he truly was until after he was caught... easily one of the most fucked up cases from my country and unfortunately not the only case, there are some other very disturbing cases from Austria as well...


It was a lot of fun watching people make fun of the name “Wolfgang” the whole time, i don’t wanna be insensitive to the movie and what happened but I’ve seen this movie so many times and im truly sad about what happened.
Basically Wolfgang is a German name since this happened in Austria btw.
Wolf means wolf, but gang isn’t like a group of people but comes from Old High German meaning something across the lines of path.

I assume its supposed to mean like “the wolves path”
My grandpa’s name was Wolfgang too  :).


Off topic but, Respect for addressing that inappropriate user👍


I agree with the mortal combat fatality  😄👍