before: 28 frames per second
after: 28 seconds per frame


Somewhere in Guangdong, a chinese genius spend all of your money in casino


bro got 2GB DDR3 VRAMπŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€


2:02 Release date, 2014 😭😭


At least he got something.πŸ˜‚


Ddr3 Samsung memory ouch


On "June 18, 2014", that's when the multiple variants of the ultra low end GPU the GT 730 were released based on the then already 4 year aged Fermi Architecture (which mattered far more back then), one with 1GB of Vram, and the other with 2GB of Vram.

Look on the bright side, atleast they didn't cheapen out and give you the 1GB Model!


Not true I got high quality brick


Next: what if you order a 5090 from TEMU.


that 40 nm killed me 🀣🀣


Poor optimised games feels like i have gt730 in these days


Gpu clock: 700MHz


As a 600W RTX 4090 owner, it is NOT worth it.


the "many months later" part is so accurate lol


thumbnail looks like something straight out of Animan Studios


For a price of one RTX 4090 I could be a cattle farmer


I hope he learned his lesson and next time choose Wish or Temu


That Cyberpunk danger music playing when clicking 'Buy' is just perfect.


Box damage is more authentic than the card.


Everybody gangsta until he overclocking it πŸ˜‚