
btw this is my first ever video with my new microphone!๐ŸŽ™๐Ÿค—ย 
 can't wait to create more content this year :)


Consistency is key! ๐Ÿ”‘


dude maybe i have no authority to what I'm about to say or maybe I'm just completely wrong but i think maybe the videos don't cater to the same audience. like if i enjoyed your tech reviews and subscribed for that i might not watch the concert vlog etc. and youtube might see that as a bad video (even though it might not be) cuz the CTR of your subscribers (who came from tech) is low cuz they're not interested. I don't really know you and I'm sure you know your analytics better but just in case you want an outside perspective. I like when you mentioned switching up the title of your iPhone 14 review to "why I'm not buying the iPhone 16" because it was really smart and creates a lot more intrigue and curiosity to click. I think you should start doing that with everything and prioritize CTR cuz if no one ever clicks they'll never know how good of a video it is. think "what does the audience get out of this" and give them value


Hi, I found this video very interesting! I think that youโ€™re extremely underrated considering how much effort you put into these videos. Keep it up! Thank you for sharing all of this, just keep uploading so you could look back at all of the stuff you did


I was thinking about posting some videos about gaming and movies that I watch to youtube as a hobby. Thls video was insightful. Thank you and I hope you grow even better


Thanks for your information dear,โค it's nice ideas


Awesome, so glad someone tells a realistic numbers.


Good job. I think you'd grow much quicker if you focused on a specific interest. I have a couple of channels, one faceless one personal. Personal is all about hiking life. Faceless is all about economics


How u make living?