
AWESOME! Thanks for showing.


Thankyou for another great video.....Liza Lou's work is very beautiful.....I especially loved the piece shown at 10:50,  it reminds me of a buddleia shrub waiting for the butterflies to arrive!


Thanks again for an awesome presentation of inspiring artwork. I love your outfit too,


Mary's critique, explainations exceed  the work. Her words are gold to these artists. Always positivity, even about the shockingly morbid, or weak displays sometimes shown. I hope she gets the thanks she deserves.


From an artist who lives in an isolated region, and has no access to galleries, I always look forward to your videos. Love the soft telling of your thoughts about the works.  The choices of artists in this video were amazing. Thank you for taking the time to share their works.


Thank you Mary Lynn. Cool, classy, as always!


Hi thx for sharing beautiful 🤩so very beautiful.


You - and your camera person - do a great job making these films. Beautiful.


I love your videos I haven’t seen very much that I do not find interesting. I am usually introduced to at least one artist whose work I have not seen before. I was very enthusiastic about the Liza Lou & Gina Beavers shows. Thank-you for doing these videos of exhibitions that someone not in New York at the moment would be able to enjoy.


Thank for another great tour❤


This video made morning Monday. Truly enjoyed it. thank you.


Exelent work, thanks,  I love your art reports, I would also like to see some photography exhibition, it would be fabulous


Thank you for sharing this video 😊


Floccinaucinihilipilification describes a lack of imagination among those more intimidated than made curious by art. Mary Lynn, your calm contemplation and depth of reference combined with your grace and charm make touring contemporary art an insightful joy and learning experience. Only the subtle wallpaper music distracts me somewhat from fully observing the visual compositions you share. Thank you!


Really enjoyed this walkthrough and discovering Josh Kline. I was  delighted to see Pieter Schoolwerth too, his Weird parties were such an important part of NYC music/art culture.


so glad I found you!!


Mary,great job on camera work.I love how you slow down in the video ❤


Chelsea Hotel certainly has its fair share of sordid stories. Josh Kline for me has a creepy world view ❤, Schoolwerth a very colourful artist, thank you for the tour of NYC I am 14,000 kilometres away, 😂


Thank u for beautiful sidewalk thru NY👍


i'm seeing a comment of the ' anybody can do that'  school of thought. someone once attached a public urinal to a gallery wall and it's a strategy that has echoed down art history. sometimes art catches us unawares and we are 'forced into understanding something rather than liking or disliking it.
really feels like you're taking us back into the swing of things and to anyone pondering wether to subscribe to this channel, ' it's great!'.