
This hit me like a bus.   I just got out of rehab and this is all that I can say.  To the world my life is over. To my dad✝️☝️it's just begun praise God. God bless all of y'all.


This is my favorite song! It personifies what the Christian life should be like-a life for God, emulating Jesus-being just like Him.


This song hits my core. My wife and I are separated and this song give me hope and the strength to carry on. I give God the control of my relationship... I hope one day it comes around full circle... God knows what to do so I put it in his hands. God bless 4King&Country for their ability to help so many thru their songs... 🙏🙏🙏


Heard the reason why Joel wrote this song. I can totally relate! I struggle to give up control to God. I just wish life could be everything I want it to be. But in reality, life goes the way God plans it to be. So now I can give my body, mind, and soul to God, and have the comfort to know that everything that happens is in God's plan🥲


I don’t care what anybody says this is my favorite Christian song ever, I’ve never felt more Jesus in a song than in this one


From the day I discovered 4King&Country, it seems as if every song hits me in my soul. The new album just as the previously released ones, ministers into my life. But of all the songs, this song really cracks into the depths of my spirit. I praise God for you guys and how you allow yourselves to be used by him! I pray for continual ministry and life success.


I am living in a different city now, a city I prayed for and a place God set before me. When your prayers are answered that does not mean no storms will come ,there will be storms but never forget to trust in the Lord. He got you there for a reason , a leason and a purpose. I don't know if I am going anywhere with my words but wherever you are please do seek God in every situation and know that He is in control. The battle if for Him. The good news was he already won it!


When I first heard this song I was in a friend's car, my life was going downhill and I thought I could solve things on my own and at the same time appear to the world that my life is extraordinary when in fact it was a disaster. I began to cry listening to the lyrics of this song. God spoke to me through these lyrics and I realized that I have no control over my life and that I need my Father.The best thing is that the Father received me exactly as I was and surrounded me with His great love and told me that everything would be ok and that He would teach me how to walk side by side with Him.❤️❤️❤️ Be blessed!❤️❤️❤️


I cry every time I listen to this song. Just thinking about Jesus' hands in my place. His feet in my place. His body in my place... on that cross... thank you Lord. Thank you.


I was talking to my friend and we were talking about our goals and our passions and how we wanted to make sure it was God's will, not just fitting God into our desires. She sent me this song. It was a wonderful moment for me, because although I had heard the song b4 before, I was able to apply it to my current situation and reassess my dreams. THANK YOU GOD SO MUCH FOR BEAUTIFUL MUSIC, He blesses us so much 😂


It's like this album was made for me and it honestly couldn't of come at a better time. God's timing is perfect ♥️


Little did I know when I sang this last year(2019) that THESE words would describe what we’d go through as a nation fighting for its very SOUL in March 2020!!! May we truly take these words soberly and count this cost and be revived as a church body. It would be an appropriate reward for the suffering endured in Covid nation! May God grant us an awakened soul for people and our relationship with Jesus. For HE is coming back soon, and will return as King of Kings, Lord of Lords


I'm outside under the moon right now...thinking about the things that are confronting me now that are all out of my control...I had to listen to this song.  If we don't turn it over to our Heavenly Father, then whatever things that ARE in our control, we will have no energy left & the frustration will drain our spirits.😓 ...God never wants that for us.  I will raise my voice and sing, and turn over the control to my big God.💗


So grateful for this song. I’m a recovering addict and this song captures Steps 1-3 for me in a way that hits my soul. Thankful for what God is doing in you guys.


When I hear this song it makes me remember how God has been good in my life and I thank Him for never forsaking me


This is my definitive favorite song, I listened to it when I was going through very difficult times, it made me practically cry I sing it with all my heart every time I listen to it and I thank for king and country for writing it, I feel that everything that is sung there was happening to me, with nothing more to say blessings


Thank you king and county for getting me through my troubles in life.




Oh my gosh, this hits me in the feels. I am struggling with anxiety and depression, and I have discovered it is getting worse over the years and years I've been going through this. I am afraid to let go of this, because sometimes I feel it is what I'm used to nowadays. Sometimes I look back at how happy I was a few years ago, but I've been dealing with this for 3 years now and it's almost all I can see. 

Recently, I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and I really hope it helps me overcome this down-hill in life.


God gave you guys a gift, and you're definitely using it. God bless you both <3