This map was so accurate, we should make sure we're keeping our doors locked 😅
Oh my god. The attention to detail with Cardboard Shen is amazing
Really wanna see a studio bracket-style tournament on this map!
To see marques freak out audibly gasp, rare occasion 4:51
BasedAF are a truly talented team, looking forward to seeing more from this collaboration
Wow great job BasedAF team on the creation. Took a lot of work and professional risk! BasedAF indeed!
that markass brownlee joke is never going away
Can you make this into Prop Hunt mode? This would be the best map for Prop Hunt
For y’all that don’t know, the map has been taken private or down for over a month now. I’ve asked on the basedaf video as to why. It was a really fun map to play with friends.
I can't believe how accurate that in-game studio is. Must have taken a huge amount of effort and time.
Never seen MKBHD exclaim before 4:51 :face-blue-wide-eyes:
I never played Fortnite in my life. Loading it up in 3...2...1 😂 Too well done, I look forward to seeing more of this!
This reminds me of a time when I needed to make a quick 3D rendering in Sketchup of the warehouse that I work at (without blueprints), and a quick way to get building measurements is to use Google Maps and the Measure Distance tool. It works perfectly for the building itself, and then also sort of works for estimating room sizes if you have a clear visual in GMaps of the exterior walls for things like windows, doors, etc.
That autonomouse vacuum you got 6 months ago has been mapping out your office all this time and now the developer can create game maps 🤣🤔
Robin and team are unmatched
Can't wait for them doing this for Linus. I bet people will go ahead and try to test things properly without Linus' intervention
That meme will always be legendary, and never better said! I don't know why, but this meme impacted me so much that I randomly say it once a day.
Only an architect can do this level of detail 😂 (Spoiler! Based AF really hired one, how cool! As an architect myself, chef’s kiss 10/10 strategy)
2018 rewind. "Fortnite and Marques Brownlee"