Yeah the biggest issue with Zanab was that she set herself up for failure constantly and imo insecurity makes people more unattractive. She told him she would look like a different person beforehand which was why he made that comment, and then even after he said I’m so attracted to you she questioned it by pointing out all the things “wrong” with here in that moment. So many other examples of her putting these negative thoughts into his head with her own mouth and comparing herself to the other ladies. I’m not saying Cole is blameless, he’s clearly pretty insensitive and also not emotionally intelligent so doesn’t realise it’s all a cry for reassurance, he just thinks it’s all jokes and goes with it.
I’ve tried to force attraction to someone in the name of not being shallow, also because he “treats me right” in the long run I could’ve saved his time. It’s was painful for both of us.
And what's crazy is that Nancy literally told Bartise that his type clearly hasn't worked out for him and he still didn't get it. I just wish these women had some self esteem about themselves to know they can find and deserve better.
Whew BREEEENYY!!! Snapped with the “don’t comment on her looks if we can’t comment on what’s in your bank account” 😂😂😂😂😂😮
Most the people who go on these shows (Love is Blind, Married at First Sight ) need THERAPY not to pursue a relationship.
This show is the biggest proof that love isn’t blind. All they can build without seeing each other is friendship. The rest is game of odds. If they see each other and there is no attraction then it’s not gonna work no matter how hard they try.
Raven is not a narcissist. She is a confident woman who goes for emotional connection, stability and respect over shallowness, physical attraction, and fickleness
Zanab is deeply insecure. Cole didn’t make it ANY better at all but I don’t think his remarks would have been so hurtful to her if she was more confident in herself to begin with
Love might be blind but ego and lust have 20/20 vision. Bartiste was sexually attracted to Nancy because she's lovely and, uh, she was available. Once he saw Raven he was attracted to her for obvious reasons, and he saw her as someone who would bolster his standing among his peers and others. Men will marry women that they aren't attracted to because they serve them. They will not only step out on these women...but will feel justified in doing so. And they'll not be proud to have them on their arm. Women should avoid these men at all cost.
If someone truly wants you, they will show it through actions, how effective their communication is, their vibe, body language and how they treat you. If you have to constantly ask yourself if someone is into you or not, they act hot and cold towards you, then most likely, they're not! 💙YouTuber That Helps People Overcome Toxic Relationships
No because if they don’t your mention beauty first cut your losses from the beginning. Attraction is foundation of a relationship and the way the men on the show treated the women they weren’t attracted to confirms the hypothesis.
This video was exactly what I needed. There is a guy I have friend zoned but he’s a great guy and so many have pressured me saying I just need to date/marry him even though I’m unattracted to him! I refuse to do that because I don’t think that’s fair to him or me. Glad to hear you say I don’t have to force anything if it’s not there it’s just not there 🙌🏾
I never want to be with a man who uses the term 'nut' or calls a woman's parts 'a box'. They also use violent language like 'hit' in some of those clips you shared. Those guys seem kinda gross.
I love when Breeny does show reviews 😩❤️
You know what I found interesting while watching this season? Its how Bartise was always talking about the physical attraction but then when he was talking to his sister she was telling him (and im not qouting her) "you arent superficial. You arent like people who only look at appearance" and I just felt uncomfortable cus the entire time I was repeatedly thinking "he is super superficial and childish"
watching this video made me realize that I never wanted marriage I've just wanted to be validated which is why my type is my type. Never knew stability in my relationships and now I'm realizing its because that wasn't what was important to me. Not feeling rejected was. Finding some that made me feel like I had some type of solid reason to be alive and that the way I could show up for the world was needed in some way. Someone who would continue to affirm that for me so that I could finally have the strength to live instead of just survive. Wow so thankful for this video.
Absolutely agree with every point you made, especially regarding Raven and Bobblehead. I also want to add that my opinion on Bamboo is that he is very much in his feminine energy and craves so much validation like you mentioned. Raven was very put off by Boomerang because she could energetically sense his insecurity and feminine energy that made her disgusted by him. Raven is clearly a match for a true masculine leader, which Balloon was the opposite of.
It's so so limiting when someone is fixated on their type. I'm forever going to be attracted to men with beautiful hands, but am I going to not date someone who's a great person, honest, full of integrity and life just because they don't have the best looking hands. That would be mad!! Ditch your type and you may surprise yourself by attracting someone truly great! Loved this video. A great inspiration for my own channel 💕
Thank you!!! I truly never got how people don't understand how just because you find someone attractive does not mean I want to be with that person. I've run across numerous men that were attractive (me, friends, strangers all knew this) but I would never date them. Or that I don't have a type, I just have characteristics and the guy must be attractive to ME! it's so weird that ppl can't grasp this. I've had men tell me in my face the "type" of men they can see me with not knowing I actually try to stay away from men like that because their ego and attitude is 0/10. I met a guy recently who I never thought I would like but I did.