
Man... Jon Bernthal as Punisher is the best choice they could possibly make.. What a performance


Why bother torturing him?  He knew he would never give up the Krabby Patty formula.


"I'm already dead..." powerful words from someone who lost what made him feel alive.


Love how he didn't have some sappy change of heart.


This is why I love The Punisher. Completely unapologetic about putting criminals down. He enjoys it, seeks it out. He's not swayed by anyone's words or feelings. Not affected by "you're no different than they are". He accepts that he is The Punisher, a killer, and violence is his home. It's an aspect I also love about Daredevil. Though he doesn't kill, he is unapologetic about beating the shit out of criminals and enjoys doing it. Didn't plan on stopping, no matter how much anyone tried to convince him.


Frank: "penny and dime"

Mr krabbs: money??


Punisher, me boy. I know plankton sent yee.


I love how people try and talk some sense into the punisher (even though it doesn't make sense) he just blows them off, bc his sense of justice over takes his morals


"You know you're one bad day away from being me." I always loved that line from Frank Castle to Matt Murdoch.


I love how the empty platitudes that Karen tries throwing at Frank just bounce off like a 9mm against the Hulk’s skin.


I like how you can see Frank piecing together what schoonover said about Kandahar, he very quickly realised he was talking about Frank assaulting Rawlins and he visually confirmed it when schoonover said you think they’d let that go and Karen asked what he’d done. Jon Bernthal is and always will be the Punisher


"they call you the punisher? prove it"

'you got it, dude'


Mr. Krabs really went downhill


I love when Karen tells Schnoover to shut it.


The way she switches from " tell me what happened " to " you shutup" 😆


Since superman couldn’t kill Lex Luther the punisher did it instead


This guy is the best at playing Frank Castle!


I like how they added in that split second exhalation noise from Schoonover right before he dies


Now i wasn't there to see it, but i heard Byron Hadley started sobbing like a little girl when the punisher dragged him to that shack.


I loved the Kingpin/Daredevil stuff, but Punisher for me was peak Daredevil.