That Spanish Bible Clock thing is definitely something that Flanders from The Simpsons would buy for his house ngl
Your shenanigans being occasionally interrupted by Bible verses in Spanish is one of the greatest things I've ever seen
As a kid, I wanted one of those Fushigi balls and when I finally got it I started to get upset because it didn't work like it did in the commercials. So my parents tried to teach me a lesson about misleading advertisements, but I wouldn't listen so when I saw it had an age range written on the box, I thought that was why it didn't work.
The Clock occasionally interrupting you guys is freaking hilarious
9:42 I remember hearing from someone that most of these As-Seen-On-Tv products are actually disability/elderly aids in disguise. A soda bottle is easy to open for most but if you have a medical condition affecting your grip strength (or just very old) they can be a real challenge. Thing is, if they marketed it as a disability aid, it would turn away a lot of people who could benefit from it because people in general don’t like to admit that they need help doing something so “easy”. So by pretending that soda bottle caps pose the same problem for *everyone*, it kinda normalizes the need for assistive tools like this & makes people feel better about buying them. It’s kinda worth respecting that way.
Fun fact about the ultimate jar opener commercial if you've never watched it: if you listen closely to the audio you can faintly hear a male voice saying a website, implying they didn't pay to use the music and used the watermark version instead.
The problem is that so many of these products would be good for people with disabilities and mobility issues, but they're not marketed that way and half the time they don't work.
"the glue is gluing to the Glue!" is one of the most bizarre yet completely logical things I think I've ever heard
29:04 "And this is why it comes in a cup!" "Don't we all?" Bruh wut?😂
“And that’s why not FOUR bricks. Imagine if we had F I V E” 😂🤣
the clock unintentionally becoming a gag was epic, especially as the guys got caught by surprise and stopped to pay respects even though they were joking about it
Honestly, despite how awful these products are, they bring back many memories.
Bren just casually straight shotting pasta sauce from the jar and Jude's underwhelmed "Okay..." are what friendship goals are all about!
21:04 you can see the line going a bit slack because no one is pulling anything, the truck is driving backwards pretending he's being pulled. You can disable tail lights so the truck looks like it's turned off. Actually I can't tell, it almost looks like the tail lights are on, but it might be the sun reflecting on them. But we can see that the truck is driving itself lol, that's not what it looks like when you tow a truck with a rope.
Just a heads up, those jar openers are life savers for people with disabilities. Any amount of independence is a win. My grandma just about cried when we got her a good jar opener and vegetable slicer. She hates depending on others but it is a thing that comes with age. Being able to do things yourself is something we young folks take for granted.
we had a magic tap, it was kinda awful. the lever got pressed down bc it was at the perfect height of the fridge shelved and it dumped a whole gallon of milk into our fridge, when we opened it up all of that milk spilled out onto the floor.
My parents are guilty for buying a few of these products when I was younger and I am getting both nostalgia and embarrassment for each one.
27:44 I had this thing and it’s actually goated. Only problem I ever had with it is that it sometimes overflowed with boiling water. Last year I was so tired that I accidentally put noodles in the microwave without water using that bowl and it melted, the noodles were as black as the bowl, and the whole house smelled like smoke for a month. RIP Rapid Ramen cooker, 2019-2022. He is survived by his brother, Rapid Mac cooker (blue variant).
18:57 "but you want to take your grooming experience to the next level" -Bren,2023