I chuckled at the MCM "In the bin!"
Damn, i clicked faster than Taylor getting a Grindr notification!
Good to see that Taylor finally have his own youtube channel !
I need to see Alex standing next to Nick.😂
“You’re so tight you’ve watered down the swarfega!” 😂 Brilliant!
This has to be the first video I've watched where Taylor hasnt said "joie de vivre". Lots of French laughing though!! 😂😂
Hell yes wanna see Taylor & Rory take it for a drive, see what it’s like!!
Can vouch for Nick being your man when it comes to BMWs. He sourced plenty and gave some great advice on my old E46 clubsport
Nick is hilarious. Please have him in more videos
3250rpm at 70mph sounds about right for a 3.38 ratio. Shout out to Nick and Jay!! Top lads
Love the direction the V2 channel goes! Keep up the good work guys!
OH SHIT THE E46 DON NICK JUPP. big up Nick, I had a 330cd that had a blowing exhaust manifold. I didn't even know it was blowing, he asked me to rev it once and was like YAH EXHAUST MANIFOLD CRACKED. Didn't even let me buy the wrong part I was going to buy off him. Such a g.
The front half of the driveshafts are all you need when doing a swap like this, if you put the front half of the manual driveshaft onto the original automatic rear half of the driveshaft it would have fitted without needing modification! All e36s and e46s are like this, for example small case rear ends have a longer driveshaft, so if you pull a manual conversion out of an e36 318 the driveshaft will be too long to fit into a e36 325, but if you put the manual front half of the shaft onto the auto rear half it will be the correct length as the rear half is a certain length to suit what rear end you have.
7:41 IN The Bin — nice reference to the Mighty Car Mods channel. If they ever have the chance to team up … it’ll be hilarious
I see so many other comments like this, but I LOVE where this channel is going. Great for little side projects like this on more personal cars and smaller 1 car type adventures that don't fit on the main channel. Reviews/drives should definitely come to this channel like you mentioned at the end. Why not keep filming the normal content like this as it only adds value to the channel. Keep up the content on both channels!
Sneaky MCM reference - love it
Nick Jupp, would’ve never kept any of my e46 on the road without him. Highly recommended
I’ve had a few dealings with Nick and bought a few bits off him. I can fully vouch he knows exactly what he’s doing and the best place for Bimmer spares!