
Why I watch Study Tee:
20% for the Tips
80% for the aestheticsšŸ˜


so no ones going to talk about how she says amazon, if no ones going to say it then I will. Deep breath that was the cutest thing


productive=good at school
good at school=A+

Thank you giving happiness


Studytee uploads video=happiness


mom: what are you watching?
me: iā€™m studying studying


Study Favorites

1. Ballpoint pens
    - Muji 0.7 mm 
    - dries quicker
2. Staples Arc
    - customizable system to organize your notebooks
3. Staples Arc hole puncher
    - punches paper to be a ble to fit in notebook
4 Emma studies printable note paper
    - print with faded lines
5. Prepare Notes before the lecture
    - then add extra notes during lecture
6. Asmr rooms youtube channel
     - simple back ground sounds themed harry potter
7. 130moo youtube cahnnel
     - calming music 
8. Hold app
    - encourages you to stay off of your phone
     - only available in Norway, sweden, and uk
9. Symbollab website
    - shows you steps in math
10. Brilliant Reading rest
      - foldable reading rest




A great alternative for Hold is Forest!
It doesn't give you discounts, but for every session you successfully complete, it plants a tree in real lifešŸ™ˆšŸ’š


To be honest, I bought a lot of expensive pens. I realized I'm stuck in the handwriting. But I see you're doing wonders with pens for a reasonable price. You're teaching new things. Thank you so much.


I LOVE Emm'as printables!  I used to print out the calendars and such for my own notebook.  I'm not sure if it makes a difference for you, but last semester I ended up using 32lb paper to print Emma's study printables for my circa (Levenger's disk notebook system) and loved how smooth it was, that and the thicker paper made it easier to move things around.  Sometimes I have a bunch of index cards punched for quick reminders (like potential test questions) or things I want to ask in class.  Last semester I also used them to summarize the lecture, so that it is easier to study for the test.  Now that I think about it, I guess it is like the Cornell notes, just without the sections on the paper, and more movable. I don't know how you deal with loose leaf papers, but I also got a 1-2-3 punch from Levenger that I used to take to school with me.  It is a super light punch, and can often be found on sale, a little under $20 but not including shipping.  It is sometimes hard for me to get to Staples, and I really like some of the extras Levenger carries (and their paper feels pretty nice too).  This semester I'm trying to go digital but still, carry my junior notebook when I need to make a quick note.  The printables work really well, and I'm having fun color coding things without worrying about pens running out of ink.


6:41 a alternative is forest! you do have to pay for it on IOS but on android it is free by the way i think it's now availeble in the netherlands and turkey to because i downloaded it once in both countries :)


I love your videos so much! Your handwriting is so beautiful


I love how she says the pens like they're makeup products šŸ˜‚


About your FAQ section, I just want to bravo your confidence in yourself with the questions about you voice and your personal matters! You are so confident and I understand so much how it can be frustrating. Your voice is your voice and anyone who finds it annoying should just leave because you donā€™t need those negative people!


for people who haven't read the description: She is Therese, 21 years old and she is the best! 
Her voice: So calming.
her aesthetics/stationery: The best

I wanna tell everyone that you have to watch Studytee, for the tips, and everything else.


omg symbolab has just saved my life. i am in the middle of making math cheat sheets to bind in a booklet that iā€™m allowed to take into my final exam (in november! eek) and their formular sheets are soooo helpful. thank you so much for introducing me to symbolab!!


Starting in October, I'll officially be a medical student. Your videos really help me get back to studying and it hypes me up even more for the upcoming year ^^


my study favorite recently is this note-taking/study technique which i call the rainbow method. itā€™s when u let each of the topics of a subject correspond to a color of the raindbow. for example, ur first topic has red-themed notes, ur second has orange, and so forth. until youā€™ve got urself a more or less a rainbow by the end of the quarter. it helps me associate and connect topics with each other in order more quickly, because i automatically picture a rainbow šŸŒˆ hope this helps others too !


I just wanted to let you know, you definitely get me hyped to study. I always start my studying by rewatching your videos to get me to just DO IT. Also, great video! I just bought myself some stuff you recommended because I've been slouching a lot and I have a little package to look forward to ^^


4:19 i admire your ability to take notes without (fully) understanding the topic. my notes need to be re-elaborated by me after a lesson as if trying to explain them to myself. otherwise to me itā€™s just like a synthesized textbook!
ā€œyou only fully understand a topic if you could explain it to a childā€ and thatā€™s what i aim for when studying. most of the time it works, but in math iā€™m the child.