
Gonna take a focken week to insulate a single house 😂😂


If Scott brown says so then I’ll give it the benefit of the doubt. If I was an insulator using that type of insulation I’d probably get it yesterday . Here in the USA it’s a lot of blown in cellulose, open and closed cell spray foam and fiberglass batts. 
There is of course many more but those are what I see  a lot for conventional remodels. 
Any type of insulation that doesn’t smell , is not a respiratory concern and isn’t a toxic time bomb I’m all for . - it looks like this must be pretty safe since our guy is not wearing any particulate protection and is rocking his open toed work attire


At first, I thought, "What is this malarkey?" Then I saw Scott posted this and it all checked out


Solved a problem I didn't have.  Use a large serrated knife.  Does the job, cost less.


That looks like a great solution....to a problem that nobody has😂


I'ma be honest I'd just lay the length of insullation on the floor and cut it there, you can saw straight down and be on your way or even rapid fire it if you're installing insulation. Cut, move meassure cut move etc.


Loving the Samoan safety boots 🤣


The install cost went up due to the time taken to install the machine


Hope the apprentice never sees this... I'll never hear the end of it.


neat, I have a 2x4


It's a good thing he has his safety sandles on.


Brilliant, I’ll look forward to seeing one in your workshop . . . .???


Is that sheep wool?


Oh wow, Safety Sandals with the patented Air Toes!


Very nice, but I would think that saw makes an unnecessary amount of airborne fibers


There's no amount of insulation jobs to justify by that or even putting it up in a house while insulation is being done.


Only you would have this tool mate. 😂


Tax returns for public officals should be public as they handle vast sums of money should b transparent


Somehow my brain went 'AI powered clamp' and I  thought what's AI about this? Then I read again😂