
Hey everyone! 😊 Happy Friday! This video was super fun to film and just a prime example of the random adventures that you can get up to in Pakistan πŸ˜‚ I have one more video coming tomorrow in Sheikhupura and then we are heading the madness of Karachi! I hope you enjoy this video, let me know your favourite part in the comments section below! Look forward to reading your wonderful comments as usual. Much Love πŸ’–


So many friendly people of Pakistan.nice driving you a tractor Josh .first time to see milking a cow.such a big farm.nice vlog Josh.stay safeβ€πŸ‡΅πŸ‡­


It would be hilarious if that cow greeted you back with "Hello" in an Australian accent. πŸ˜‚


Omg..You're having so much fun yaar..dil dil Pakistan πŸ‡΅πŸ‡°


Farmer Josh and Connor hehe cool video , the cow milking seems fun such a cool experience :).. heheh milk facial


4:48 <3 the alleyway friends
6:30 lol πŸ˜‚@ random stops, couldn't stop laughing
16:00 woah, fast n furious tractor edition lolπŸ˜‚ 
this video has been so much more fun than any other videos I've watched


I left Pakistan 10 years ago for USA, I know Pakistan is still a poor country and underdeveloped but people are so lovable. I miss them and food so much 😒 dil dil PAKISTAN ❀


Your videos is awesome from Pakistan❀❀❀❀❀


Bro according to me you're professional vloggers then all British people who have been In Pakistan. You deserve millions of views ❀


Amazing farm experience Josh! Holy crap farm tractor drifts! What did the mummy cow tell the baby cow? It's pasture bedtime! 
What did the goat love watching every Saturday night? Americas Goat Talent! What do you call a cowboy goat? Billy the kid! 😁✌


Ha ha hilarious with the cow. Keep them coming Josh - these videos are awesome!❀


Its been 4 days watching your vlogs on daily πŸ˜‚β€ 
Love and respect from Lahore


Josh our the best 1 broπŸ‘Œ


Fascinating clash of cultures!  :face-turquoise-covering-eyes:


This guy Joshua is super humble ❀


One of your best videos! Completely INSANE chaos!!! πŸ˜‚


Saw so many youtubers and famous names in that list to visit Pakistan but guess what really enjoyed ur sense of humour and all the content . Wished had more videos from u in Pakistan. I will call you and josh as β€œThe Pair” keep it up πŸŽ‰ ps as Joshua to upload his videos from Pakistan plz πŸ˜‰


Friend: β€œJosh you look like a cow”
Segment title: 18:18 It’s time for milking
My favorite part though? 😬🀭🫠 Love you Josh ❀


I just read becoming a father in Pakistan πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ salaaaaam!


Love watching your experiences in Pakistan πŸ˜…πŸ˜Ž