11:20 Dude cringed so hard during the 1 Mil Special that he blocked it out of his memory.
bro that "tommyinnit is that like that alcoholic cousin who's life low-key fell apart but he's still funny as hell" is so accurate wtf
as a queer woman, seeing a 15 year old say ‘i get lesbians’ gives the same vibes as a kid having a crush on a teacher. it’s harmless and it’s just kind of funny but it’s not offensive. he was just being a kid
We already know Tommy…
Cringing at your past is a good sign that you've grown as a person.
Still to this day I have no idea what was supposed to be offensive about "I get lesbians" if the intention was pointing out the similarities that straight guys and lesbians both like women
15:56 I can't lie, the "I wanna do everything you've ever done" looks at the camera was just top tier comedy Llgan just basically dying down was the gold plating of "damn, I guess I got myself in this situation"
"Today im making a video id rather not make" Off to a GREAT start
Your laughing really hard thing when you didn't think the punchline hit actually worked a lot for me LMAO I think subconsciously it was noticeable that you were doing that and it made it hilarious in a roundabout way
“Your my girlfriend” i sobbed out of embarrassment so hard.
Okay but as a lesbian, that first clip really is such a non-issue in queer spaces. Chronically online people just were trying to cancel you over something stupid.
11:00 bro went through 10 stages of grief 😭😭
He’s becoming self aware…
17:45 “Hear that, ya ‘ggots?” Is crazy
17:53 That actually hit me I hope you find the happiness that you're looking for. God bless you
as an expert lesbian myself i think you actually do understand lesbians
literally nothing wrong w the "i get lesbians" joke like its such a reach to be like "hes saying he understands all the hardships of lesbians grrrr" still cant belive people actually called u lesbophobic for that
20:44 You're british heritage is showing