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Happy ALMOST 4th of July! What was your first JRPG? Was it as ripe with American passion as Mystic Quest?


My Grandma used Mystic Quest to teach me how to read and write. She loved video games. I still have the cartridge, and I'll never get rid of it. It's a decent game, wish people didn't hate on it so much.


I think this game was a lot more successful than people give it credit for, or that it's sales reflect. Everyone I've ever known who played this game, say that this is the game that got them into JRPGs. Which is exactly what it set out to do. Those people have become lifelong fans and bought far more FF games down the line. So the initial sales weren't great, but they translated into later sales of other games.


People always shit on Mystic Quest for being too easy and simplifield, but I still think it is a fun little game. Gets more hate than it deserves. The music is bomb, the sprites are great and it is a great introduction unironically for newcomers.


fun fact, if your magic stat is high enough, you can "cure" the last boss to death. games causes the damage calculator to roll over and you'll damage him instead, thus defeating him with 3-4 cure spells :)


Austin - thank you for giving Mystic Quest some credit at the end. I'm not a huge JRPG person, but as a 4-year old in 1997 I went to my grandmother's house and she had an SNES. I spent most of my time flipping between, Zelda 3, Mario World, DK Country, and Mystic Quest. Those 4 games were so formative to my pop-culture tastes over 20 years later. If it weren't for that I would never have tried Golden Sun, or FF Tactics, or Kingdom Hearts even. I know it didn't introduce me to the hardcore Suikodens or Dragon Warrior/Quest stuff - but without it I might have never strayed from Zelda or platformers. So I'll always be grateful for that (also for the time I asked a family member to record the general battle theme looping 3 times without me playing!).


"Why does is Chrono break" made my brain hurt


The US version of FF4 was not the same as Easy Type. Easy Type was straight easier than the US FF4.

FF4US had changes that certainly made things easier: Remedy being changed to Heal, being the only status recovery item and being significantly cheaper, Ethers were significantly cheaper and available in every shop among other small changes

But the removal of the one time use items and nearly all the various characters’ special abilities arguably make some parts of the game harder.

Meanwhile easy type went all in on making the game easier with a plethora of changes.


Personally, I love this game. It isn't FF4 or FF6, but it was a fun journey and I have fond memories of the game. I still have my cart and I will go back and play this again a few times.


it seems to be Mystic Quest season. SomeCallMeJohnny covered this recently. 
we love to see it 🙏🏽


It did inspire Shadows of Adam, so it gets points.


I still like Mystic Quest. It was one of the first JRPGs I ever played, still has kickass music, the pixel art for the time is pretty decent, and gets me nostalgic still thinking about it. I still replay it sometimes. I don't think it was the worst Final Fantasy of all time either. I'd still play Mystic Quest any day over FF1 or FF2. I also remember renting Lufia 1 from Blockbuster shortly after playing Mystic Quest as well after it gave me a taste for turn-based JRPGs (it was another early JRPG for SNES. People only seem to mention/remember Lufia 2 though, but that wasn't out at the time.) Both MQ and Lufia 1 were very important for me in my early formative years as a gamer, getting me into the whole turned based JRPG genre and establishing what I expect from said genre.


during my classes in middle school i actually played this game on a site that emulated snes games using flash (i think?) and it was pretty fun because of how easy it was and i didn't have to spend 20 minutes skipping text dumps.

First time hearing the soundtrack to this game actually, and it's awesome. i couldn't listen to the music before because, obviously, my teacher would know i was playing video games.


This was my 2nd ever RPG, but it was my very first Final Fantasy, and I beat it as a kid new to FFs and RPGs.

It did its job with me. It solidified my RPG fandom. After Mystic Quest,  I went on to Final Fantasy Legend 3 and Final Fantasy IV back to back.


Good god the fonts in "pixel remaster", I want to be sick. Menus that look like mobile ports on spritework games look like ass, and that font is a crime against things that look merely like ass.


Those FF Pixel Remasters aren't even gonna include all the extra content they added to the various different ports, so Square-Enix continues to botch their FF ports as usual.

Perhaps the Pixel Remasters not making it to consoles is a blessing in a disguise...


Strange, usually American publishers in those days tried to make games more difficult in order to combat video rental stores.


When I played these originally the potion/phoenix down against undead mechanic was probably the coolest thing they had. It was a pleasant surprise seeing them bring it back in FFVII-R


Renting this game as a kid was confusing as heck after playing FF6


Japan: "Deam, dude, I wonder why our RPGs aren't popular in the west. Must be because they're too hard for them".

Meanwhile, in the west: "PLYER used CUR3 on FONTN. FONTN is reviv and can SPRNT aganin." - Pivotal moment in the story.