
One of the best review i have seen. You have the potential of becoming a big youtuber.  Best of Luck


This is by far the best ps5 review I have ever seen on youtube. And for that you just earned a sub. Keep it up buddy!!


I have the disc version, and I love how it looks. I have mine set up in the horizontal layout and it's great


Mine also does the loud disc hum every so often, maybe once or twice an hour. I don't think it's an issue to be alarmed about, but I also don't know if that's what's supposed to happen or not. I think it is just loading a portion of the game even though it is installed on your system (or external if you're using that). My Xbox 360 does it as well for games that are already installed on it, in the same manner.


I remember when it came first out and was considered beyond primitive. After hugely impressive updates its finally here. Congratulations everyone! Well done!!


Such a beautiful masterpiece,I love the "PlayStation 5. Nice video👏


Hey Terren you should stream I would definitely watch ive been a fan for such a long time and I would enjoy that type of content!!!


Nice review! You're good at this


Well done video! I just want to let you know that you don't need the headphones from Sony to test the 3D audio, you can plug in any pair of headphones on the controller and have the same effect, it isn't dependant on hardware or software from the headphones! If you didn't know already! ;)


How have you only got 7k subs? Keep doing you bro, subscribed!


Wow i've been amazed by your setup and your review, you just gained a sub :) !


What is the camera and lens you use?


Great video quality, you got yourself a new subscriber!


Can't wait for the vlog!


Astrobot is the most underrated game ever. I'm referring to the devs and primarily Astrobot Rescue Mission. I think they topped Mario with the fun and happy factor and I had a true gaming experience I'll never forget. It just doesn't have the brand name as Mario. If it was a Mario game I GUARANTEE everyone would hail Resucue Mission as a revolutionary VR title.


Thanks, Terren. These were some #primetips


this channel deserves more clout.


I can't wait for the Algorithm to choose you lol, nice to see you picked the Raptors heh, I miss LittleBigPlanet though.


Good review 👍


I can't wait to watch it