


Just woke up not to long ago & these "empee nodders" would hit the spot right about now.


I'm pretty sure Action Bronson said one time, I want there to be a little bit of sand in my scallops so I could tell it was from the ocean πŸ˜‚


The sound person halting the music for us to hear Action talk about wanting his milk so sweet... that guy has me busting up laughing here.


Sick format having more of the crew involved, making comments and eating. Point the camera at them when they eat it to get their reactions!
Love this, big flex.


2:09 funniest shade thrown at diddy so far πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Frying dessert in olive oil adds an ounce of life into my system while walking through the valley of death. 
Thank you, Bronsolini, you're truly specializing in life πŸ‘Œ


Ayoooo don’t talk about that Puff Daddy party on 2024πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Love how fried action is his input about food and life is always the best lol


Normally don't like the videos of action in the kitchen but damn my man was flowing on this one, banger!


THIS MAN IS GEEENEIOUS.. The only man who fried with WITH Olive oil and their perfect (drops the Mic and walks away screaming GEEENEIOUS)


Beautiful.  Ricotta is embraced in NYC like no other American city.


3:26 YES! YES! YES!


Man when I get fuck you money imma hire Bronson to cook for me he be blowing my mind with these dishes


he's actually so funny in this, could probably do stand up


Can’t wait for the rose waters to come out! Wasn’t able to get the last drop fingers crossed for the 🌹


p diddy, no way out tour, 14 LMFAO


And now we can’t even talk about Puff Daddy! All my hip hop legends from childhood have let me down


This man is the essence of cool to me


They don't call him The Big Empanada for nothin'.