
So folks, wanted to test a video without subtitles this time just to see what people prefer! 

Edit : Subtitles are STAYING and will return after this video, thank you for your feedback!


23:58 "you got to love a cheeky star trek reference" jazzy, that hurt my soul deeply


I feel the nostalgia already. I grew up on the old games on PlayStation and Nintendo, so this is right down my alleyway. Can’t wait to see more games on the other systems outside of computer games. I love the new Trophy grind!


Def started watching due to algorithm but stayed due to accessable subtitles that are actually correct and timed right. Happy to hear you'll be keeping them!


it has arrived the happy juice is overflowing


Finally subscribed after returning for the 20th video


This franchise is literally my childhood me and my dad would take turns playing it and we’d swap off whenever one of us would die and I always love it whenever a streamer/youtuber I watch plays it


i cant fathom how you dont have a million subs when you give on point commentary and storytelling in a really geniune way i always look foward to you vids and have a blast watching them ty for the great content


Yes the OG rachet and clank has some brutal achievements well more time consuming than anything but its such a really good memorable game awesome weapons


love your videos jazzy, but your own subtitles I would say help me more as the YouTube ones sometimes have no clue what someone is saying and your font was always nice and clear! but I do understand that will be more work, so it is up to you!


I remember when you finished that hover board race. Nearly cried in proudness. I'll crt again when I see your beautiful name on a silver play button


Yes yes yes. My childhood i almost had forgotten. Thx for the awesome content


Babe, you’d never guess what. That’s right, another Jazzy video!


"Strike a pose" proceeds to thumbs up. It's like seeing a fart joke on a stone tablet,  just Classic


Actually you need to complete the game 3 times in total to have enough bolts for all the gold weapons and RYNO. Farming bolts by doing the giant Clank battle is absolutely crazy. :D


For those of you attempting to do this in the future, I have a tip for practicing your hoverboarding. As he said getting the time requires a pretty skillful run of the entire course while using turbo the whole time. Falling off your hoverboard at the beginning doesn't really teach you much, my advice is to go through the course normally, get used to the controls, and then gradually add each thing in as you're confident with the last, it takes a little longer, but you want to pull less teeth than if you went for it all at once. I'd suggest first getting used to the controls, then get used to hitting the speed boosts on the map to learn said map, then get used to landing tricks on every jump, and testing out the different routes, as the level has multiple to get to the same spot, and depending on what you do, a path that seems like a shortcut may take longer if hit the wrong way.


Nostalgia hit me so hard. I remember having the clank game where rachet is in prison on psp. I have to find my psp and play it once again


That star trek joke was top notch, that earned a sub. Especially playing my favorite series


I fucking adore ratchet and clank its been apart of my entire life (since I share the same bday as it) can't wait to see you complete the rest


Love your videos Jazzy :) I'm so happy to see you grow so quickly. You deserve it.