
You can feel the gentleness and deep love in the simple rhythm. Chopin is a great composer and pianist...Thank you for playing this piece for me.🙏dear Luke 🤍🎹


Huge Appreciation 💜💜💜🎆😊😊😊


A piece of heaven - like soooo many Chopin pieces....


It's simplicity is what makes it! Thank you for this utterly beautiful waltz, Luke!


Awesome song  Awesome  person ❤️ ♥️ 😎 👏 💙 💜 ❤️ ♥️ 😎 👏 💙 💜 ❤️ ♥️ 😎


Amazing! ❤ Perfection! ❤


Chopin,Waltz,uvijek,iznova,svaki put kada čujem Vašu izvedbu,svaki sam put isto oduševljena,hvala Vam Maestro na predivnoj melodiji ❤ traži još!Luke Vi ste maestralan pijanist!🎹🎼🎹🎵🎹🎶❤️💙


Tu joues cette chanson à merveille. 
Always stepping down the street with Luke's beautiful playing. 🌷


Очаровательный вальс Шопена!! Столько глубины, грации и нежности!!!   Спасибо за прекрасное исполнение, дорогой Люк! ❤🎉


Very moving❤you are Amazing very gracely So much passion🎉


Fabulous.  🌹


Beautiful musik - so empathik plaed - gorgeous❤


Its like he said,, this is my last waltz with you, lets end it gracefully


Love this waltz .....
You've inspired me to revise it❤


Beautiful piece ⚘️


🎉🎉🎉아름다운 연주


Love it!! Beautiful!! ❤


Ах, как хочется продолжения..


You have such a beautiful place to work!!!!