
So what do we think of these predictions? Do you have any of your own? 🤔
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I can see them answering a few questions in Legends: Z-A. Afterall, they did answer some in Legends: Arceus. We found out how Spear Pillar was made and named. We learned the origin of the name Sinnoh. Heck, the game even sorta answers how Pokeballs works. So I'm sure some questions will be answered.


If the Draconids will appear in Z-A in some way and they'd need a representative, Drasna is right there in my opinion as the preferable option


If we got a mega Charizard Z, I will personally start a riot


Guys come on, is there anyone who actually believes Eternal Flower Floette is a Paradox Pokémon? 
She's a Floette form, not a different Pokémon like the Paradoxes are, her design is nothing like the Paradoxes, she doesn't look feral nor robotic, and lastly, she's alive for 3000 years ago while the Paradoxes were discovered only 200 years ago...


Here are some of mine:

[1]: The ultimate weapon is a Pokémon. I think that this will be what 'A' is.

[2]: We get a Zygarde Core and the Zygarde Cube at the start of the game.

[3]: The Cells are scattered around the city, like the Spiritomb Wisps in LA.

[4]: The Cores will be obtained by completing milestones in the story.

[5]: Z-A is a fusion of the ultimate weapon, the Zygarde Cells, and a set of artificial Cores (basically anti-Cores, to make the Cells compatible with the ultimate weapon).

[6]: Z-A's attack will unleash an aura that puts humans and Pokémon into a state of conflict with each other, which was the opposite of the vision of the URP ('A vision of beautiful coexistence between people and Pokémon...'). This would effectively bring the URP from the end to the beginning, or from 'Z to A'.


You will finally be able to catch Eternal Flower Floette.


Predction: new Mega Evolutions in Z-A will lead to either a reversion back to Mega Evolution in Gen 10, all gimmicks being included in Gen 10 main games, or an eventual Pokemon Showdown-esque program being available on Switch that allows past gimmicks/items/etc. to be used.


I hope we get to battle MR. Bonding and he has the Battle Bond Greninja. He's the perfect character to get it.


Here's my star guess

The Kalos starter will have Megas


Legends ZA starters are

Serpireror (Grass/Fairy)

Cinderace (Fire/Steel)

Feraligatr (Water/Fighting)


If legends ZA happens in the past, the ghost girl might still be alive


My prediction: We finally are getting ninth eevelution and It's gonna be ghost type.


Going back and forth in time, like how Guardian Signs did? I’m up for that! There is so much potential in what you said and what could be, I’m excited either way! 



Mega Mewtwo Z would be crazy


The thing about the Draconids having a probability of being in Legends Z-A is very interesting. The subtle hint about Rayquaza and Zygarde having a role in the game because of the anime is something very interesting to think about.


I wish Az Floette was able to evolve and you could catch one. Florges is one of my favorite Pokemon, I love the whole Flabebe line to be honest, and AZ Floette is really cool looking. I've seen fan art of Az Florges and it looks so sick.


As much as I don't want to see the flying orange lizard from Kanto get a 3rd mega, I wouldnt be surprised at all if it did.


mega blastoise z and mega venusaur z


I will not be surprised when having a save file for PLZA opens up the northeast corner of Paldea to reveal southern Kalos....


Prediction is flygon will get a mega 💀