American here. Be yourself, don't listen to people asking you to change for them. Enjoy the channel!
I’m native Russian, living in US. I can say there’s nothing wrong with your accent and I clearly understand 100%, lol. Great content as usual
I’m 79 and have also been listening to you for a couple years and have never had any problem understanding you - thanks for the content Sam -Rick WA state USA ❤
Go Sam,, I must say , your speach is excellent, I understand perfectly ! At 73 I have a severe hearing disorder, young people , which are all under 60, speak a high speed gibberish. Sincerely Jim😂
Sam, you are easy to understand! We all (my family) loves your Australian accent. Do not change, period❤ Be yourself, you and your family are awesome and always welcome...! Thanks for all you do and we are praying for continued positive health and success ❤
I am German and I must say your language is very good! I understand nearly 100% of what you say. Many Brits or Americans are much worse to understand...
As a 71 year old American can understand every word you spoke if people having problem then English is not there first language.
Sam, I think your assessment of Teslas Navigation/Supercharger Network is spot on. The system only improves with each software update. Absolutely stress free long distance travel (depending on travelmate) I own a 2018 Midrange M3 and still get excited each time I get in the car.
Your accent is very clear and wonderful. As an American, I apologize for that one rude person . . who was likely not even American, but just in case. Love the channel. Thank you.
Driving the Tesla Model 3 Highland 2,000 miles was a game-changer for me, and it made me reflect on how working with a financial advisor can play a key role in achieving big financial goals, like being able to afford such a car. Just like the smooth, efficient performance of the Tesla, a good advisor helps streamline your financial journey.
Going 2000 miles, you would never, ever pick a car other than Tesla. For long distance travel the Tesla/Supercharger combo can't be compared to anything in the world.
Welcome to the U.S.! There are a few bad apples everywhere. Don't let them dissuade you. Most of us will welcome you with open arms!
American here. Your accent (from an American's perspective, of course....not ignorant enough to think that everyone talks like me) is awesome and perfectly easy to understand. Keep up the great work!
Sam, I've been watching you for almost two years now and I understand every word you say. U.S.A. And I don't miss Apple Car Play, and the displaced screen has never been an issue as I thought it would be('24 Model Y LRUR).
Sam, what a refreshing perspective. Thank you! You totally brought a global perspective to the awesomeness of the Tesla experience in the US. Well done mate.
Just a little tip to stop the braking you were experiencing. Set the distance between cars scroll wheel in traffic to 4, 5 or 6.
Sam I'm a Belgian living in the US. I understand every word you say. Thx for al the informative videos!
I recently came across your channel. Love your content and learned quite a lot. I just test drove the model 3 performance with FSD and it blew my mind. Having said that, your review is much more meaningful due to your extensive EV knowledge and experience. Keep up the great work!
Sam, 2 things you can and should do in a Tesla to improve your free autopilot experience drastically: 1. You don’t need to turn the steering wheel when it asks you. You can just use the scroll wheel on the steering wheel and just turn it a click up or down. It’s much easier. 2. Put on sunglasses when it’s not too dark out and the car will stop bothering you as often to turn the steering wheel or a scroll wheel. I guess the inside camera that’s watching you pay attention can’t discern as well when you wear glasses