
We are less than 4,000 subscribers from 900,000! Make sure to subscribe to the channel for the latest updates on this winter storm!


What a time to live in the south. I moved to Houston in July and since then I have dealt with flooding, drought, a hurricane, a tornado, several severe storms and now a winter storm


If you haven’t gone through this before. Unhook all water hoses and wrap or cover exterior water spickets to keep from freezing. Open  all cabinet doors where water pipes for sinks and where exterior wall whirlpool tubs are. Leave water dripping in sink tub or containers to use later. Make sure all exterior crawl space vent covers are closed and cover opening with insulation. If  trailer not on perm foundation, wrap pipes with insulation or heated strips. Keep blinds and window shades closed to keep heat in.  Get the blankets and coats out now and prepare to live warmly to survive the next few days.  Get the candles and flashlights batteries up. Cover car windshields and mirrors by covering with sheet and securing in front doors and mirrors with plastic grocery bags as can be torn off if freeze solid. Do Enjoy the snow though avoid the ice and Thank God for allowing you and others to experience what others deal with annually for months. 
Praying for everyone’s safety.




I live in Central Florida now but I am a retired Michigan police officer. Many Floridians can't drive worth a damn on wet streets in summer, never mind ice and snow in any amount in winter. If I was up in the Panhandle I wouldn't go out.


New Orleans is planning snowball fights and snowman competitions. We are soooo excited ❄️☃️❄️☃️❄️☃️


Max is in a heavier jacket. Old man winter means business. Big time. Hopefully everyone stays safe in this beyond crazy storm


4:12 my mom has lived her entire 62 years alive in Florida and has only ever seen snow there once in her late 20's. She said this is scaring her and she doesn't get scared easily.


For anyone that hasn’t subscribed, you should highly consider it, Max is one of the best on here.. very accurate and great guy


Mobile home dwellers in the south, insulate your pipes asap and let the water trickle. Burst pipes will destroy a home.


Let's get Max over a million! He's so close. If you appreciate his forecasts hit that subscribe button. Max is the best!


It is currently snowing in the Belton, Texas area


Central Texas here. Don't gotta go nowhere tomorrow ❤ ready to build a snowman ⛄ I hope everyone stays warm, safe and sound! Blessings to you all


Watch for falling iguanas in South Florida.


As a person who lives in the mountains of BC, Canada, I have one piece of advice if you HAVE to DRIVE: Go super slow, and when going through an intersection when you've stopped, push the gas REALLY GENTLY. If you try to push medium to hard on the gas, all you will do is spin your tires, and make that piece of road too slick to drive on. DRIVE FOR THE CONDITIONS!!! It's preferable to stay home and work from home, than to risk your life trying to drive on ice with summer tires on.


Praying for the folks of Western North Carolina. 🙏


I've never enjoyed watching weather as much as I do now that I found this channel. Thanks Max!


I wonder if there are people that still don’t have shelter from the hurricane. I hope everyone is ok, there are a lot of homeless people these days.


Worst snowfall I’ve seen was the “storm of the century” blizzard back in ‘93.   I live on the Alabama/Georgia line just north of Columbus.  We had thunder snow all afternoon on day 2 and the windblown drifts got up to ~ 4’ but on flat surfaces we really got only ~ 4-5”.   We have a deep culvert on our lawn bordering the street to our neighborhood.  I wasn’t aware of how deep it was until our oldest son (age 8 at the time) went to go play with our neighbor across the street and he suddenly disappeared into the culvert when approaching the road.   All businesses and schools remained closed for the week as the sun came out every day and the surfaces would lightly melt but the temps dropped back into the teens every night and all the glaze froze back over.


Hope all of my peeps in the southern states stay safe and prepare properly.