
Even if the rates go down the prices are still way too high


This is getting so discouraging.  Been looking to move since 2022 and every house still comes on the market at ridiculous prices and needs a complete remodel


Asking prices are outrageous, agents are pitting buyers are against each other to drive up the final price.


Good work!  Todd is my go -to guy for everything real-estate. Note: Affordability is connected at the hip to income and incomes have NOT kept pace with inflation.  We began exporting millions of our high-paying manufacturing jobs 40 years and here we are.  I'm 73 years old and lived it.  Note:  50 years ago Detroit boasted the highest per-capita income and today it's a virtual slum.


Nobody in America owns their house. We all just rent from the government. We are just home maintainers. We are just surf's


Todd, your channel produces better, more substantive content than the corporate media. Always impressed by your incisiveness, brilliant guests, and humility. Your channel deserves all of its success.




Anything above 4% is bad when the home prices are extremely overvalued. Prices must crash to normal levels.


This is by far the most authentic & genuinely honest channel on what’s REALLY happening in the world that we’ll NEVER hear the truth in the media.

Thanks for this!😊


Rich people can buy a house, regular people cannot.


Its not the interest rate that is the killer. 
It is the lack of income vs costs of goods services and what it takes to live. 
There are 15 companies that own an average of 108 companies. Inflation is a problem but you still think it is the primary problem????


Sold my home in south Florida and I’m
so glad it’s gone. So much more to this than high prices. Americans are getting screwed.


Todd, I am a seasoned RE buyer and seller. Not an agent. Went to Lennar in Williston FL today to see 9 homes they had ready to release. They offered 4.99% mgt the homes has HOA at 90.00 that did nothing. As I looked at the homes that were not in compliance with HOA. Secondly, the major buyers were cash investors and then it's all about renting out, not good. Cars parked in the driveway and it made the development look cheap and dirty. Irrigation is on city water wait til these first time buyers get their water bill. The taxes are $5,300 for 300k home. The footprint was tiny. Bedrooms 10x10 REALLY! AMERICANS are being scammed. Let me say they look nice but totally not worth the capital layout or the long-term stay. I was so disappointed the area is so lovely and they should have implemented a deed restricted  development and added trees. No trees Todd none. It was terrible.


Thanks Black Rock & Globlists!!!


Whats crazy is that im seeing i buyer homes, that were bought in 2021, sold for 100k more at the peak in 2022, and that buyer is now TRYING to Short Sale the last year, and reduced to almost the sale price that the i buyer purchased for in 2021! These i buyers and hedgefunds completely raised and now dipped the market here in Arizona (unfortunately, on the affordable sized home)! I said this would happen 3 years ago!


I got lucky and bought a house in 2020 really low interest rate but then found out that I’m just going to be renting from the government my entire life. Currently paying about $1000 a month in property taxes and it’s only going to continue to go up.


the national average 30-year fixed mortgage APR is 7.07%


People can't even hold down a job what makes you think they can buy and manage a house???


I've seen how most families live today and it's utterly disgusting 🤮


Rates today are NOT the issue it was the cheap 💰💰💰The Fed handed out that drove housing prices well beyond their typical rise that would normally mirror inflation.