
Bros smirk at the end cos he knows the wife was happy is everything 😂 enormous energy.


Her grabbing his hand is a love language of touch, her way to say thank you. ..love it no words


His smile at the end was adorable, lmao.

It was kinda like, “Hehe, did u see that? I’m glad u did.” And something else I can’t describe in words, lol.


Matt Smith kills every role he plays. Legend.


A good man won’t mind being the “bad guy” so you don’t have to be the “difficult woman”


It's not just how he understood and stood up for his wife, it's also because his wife understood that he did what he did for her and was thankfull to him. They have mutual understanding with is very important in any relationship.


Even the baby shut up lmao


One of my favorite scenes. The Queen MUST remain composed and proper at all times. He's doing his job beautifully, reads her body language and does what he knows she wishes she could do. Wish he had been this good to her all the time.


Bro literally said "that was smooth, right?" Without even words!


I like this short, with 2 words he had it under control in seconds


Even the babies stopped crying 😂😂
Edit: so many likes aww yall are great 🫶🏿


The most romantic three words a man can say is, “I got this.”


Ah that smile of his says everything.


And that’s how they stayed together for so many decades. ❤ an unspoken, often times lonely, but deep and devoted  love and loyalty to country and crown.


the way he looked at her...noticed she was in distress and took action 👏🏻
and the way she thanked him and they both let e smile slip 🙌🏻💖


My husband is like this. I hate conflict, and often times, I'll let people walk all over me or disrespect me, and he does not tolerate it. He always says he doesn't mind if everyone thinks he's an asshole. As long as i dont then that's all that matters ❤


That was my husband, he was soft spoken but when he spoke with authority everyone stopped. I miss him


It's giving "when the elder sister marries the elder brother of the house"💀😂


Matt a boss. Every role he plays is Outstanding. So underrated.


I need a man like this in my life.