
The latest music video "CLOSET" has been released !!


Usually: We need a great opening for this anime.
Now: We need a great anime for this opening.


I’m pretty sure this song is about domestic abuse from his parents

the demon looking thing is wearing a suit (like most salarymen fathers in Japan) but is also wearing heels to represent the mom (not trying to stereotype but you get the point).

Also in Japan people don’t really associate “in the closet” with being gay, that’s a western/English speaking term.

He’s probably hiding in the closet to get away from his household toxicity and has a imaginary friend to cope with the abuse. The lyrics also talks about toys and being a “foolish child” which would make sense if he’s talking about his childhood.

About the song in general, i think it’s a song about his confused emotions, he was abused by his parents but he also loved them so he’s struggling. His parents were probably abusive most of the time but the boy holds on to the good moments he had. He hoped that they would’ve changed but it never happened. Yellow would represent hope. The lyrics that made me think this way:
“still, I remember your warmth”
“a summer with an unrealistic wish”
“I wanted to stay innocent”
“the precious memory fell away”
“there isn’t a rescue”
“we’ll sleep, we’ll change, it’s safer to think that way”
“don’t go anywhere, i’m just a stupid child”

btw i’m Japanese so i’m going by the lyrics i hear/see and not the English captions of the video (although the translation is pretty much accurate)

as for the cuffs, a lot of victims of domestic abuse feel stuck or like prisoners in their own home, they feel like they can’t escape the abuse or later on, the trauma the comes with it. It can be that he literally feels like he can’t escape the abuse (meaning it’s still on going) or he feels emotionally stuck on his traumatic past and doesn’t feel free (meaning he has left the abuse but isn’t emotionally healed)

Also by the imagery of the music video, i think he kills himself in the end. He destroys “yellow” which like i said it meant hope, he lost all hope and let darkness consume him like you see in 2:20 . You can also see police cars in the back at some moments so that also points to his suicide or maybe even a murder suicide (but thats me being to far fetched lmao) he punches and destroys the demon looking thing, which would make sense if he killed him self, cause then his traumas and pain would disappear. At 0:29 the background also looks like a bunch of suic*** ropes and at 0:54 he shoots himself as well

I also think that the lyrics lacks stuff associated with sexuality for it to be a song about it, maybe he’s being extremely subtle but I doubt that’s the case here since the lyrics point to a different story. In the end of the day songs are meant to be interpreted by the listeners so listen to it with your own meaning :0




The narrator seems to be describing a lot of conflicting and confusing feelings and experiences, but one common theme is the feeling of loss, regret, and sadness at not being able to hold onto important memories or feelings of "yellow" (which could represent joy, brightness, and happiness). They also describe feeling trapped and constrained, as if their mind is going in circles and they're unable to get away from these negative feelings. Yet, at the same time, they express a strong desire for salvation and relief, and a desire not to lose themselves in the midst of all of this chaos.







tsumari wa koukishin ni torawaretetan da taisetsu na mono nara kowashitan da
akari no tomoranai hooru keeki mokusei no kimi to odottetan da
kuroozetto de matta kyou mo chiisana karada tada yoseatte
nemuru no sa, kawaru no sa souzou tayasui anzen

atashi baka na ko na no doko ni mo ikanaide
nigotta shoutai no nibui me wo samase
yoru no uchi katazuketa omocha
mujaki na mama de mada itakatta

aijou wa high tada suteoku bakari
hagareochita daiji na kioku
But koukai low life naraba aete
arienai koto wo negau natsu wo


aitsu wa koukishin ni korosareta you da koukatsu na sube nara tameshitan da
udatsu no agaranai anna koui manmen no emi de utattetan da
kuroozetto de matta kyou wa hitori de matsu no nara konna mon ka
kawaru no sa, owaru no sa, koutei

motome tsuzukeru kachi kachi kachi semaru byoushin
motto maite gou fukaku natte
shimai ni wa tenchi ga sakasama ni naru
nande? doushite? hora kasunda toumei

mado kara mita keshiki wo mada oboete imasu
isso kiete naku naru dake no yellow


sono hi ga konai you, wazato machigaete
kuzureochita, kairi to gedatsu
sukui nado nai you, kagiri aru nante
mada, omou netsu

aijou wa high tada suteoku bakari
hagareochita daiji na kioku
But koukai low life naraba aete
arienai koto wo negau natsu wo


0:53 あたりの頭を指で打つシーンが好きすぎる


No one gonna talk about how smooth the animation is? NO ONE?

Edit 2: What is with ya'll in the replies????


Now Playing     :    神山 羊 - YELLOW 
        ⇆         ㅤ ◁         ㅤㅤ❚❚ㅤㅤ         ▷ㅤ          ㅤ↻


Can't believe this song was so popular they made a colour about it






「イエロー、イエロー」のリズムで一画ずつ漢字ノートやるのが最近の楽しみなのって友達にいったら三時間くらいのイエローが送られて来た ノイローゼになりそう


つまりは   好奇心に囚われてたんだ
Tsumari wa koukishin ni torawarete ta nda
大切なものなら   壊したんだ
Taisetsu na mono nara kowashita nda
明かりの灯らない   ホールケーキ  木製の君と踊ってたんだ
Akari no tomoranai hooru keeki mokusei no kimi to odotte ta nda

クローゼットで待った今日も   小さな身体   ただ寄せ合って
Kuroozetto de matta kyou mo chiisana karada tada yose atte
眠るのさ、  変わるのさ、  想像 容易い安全
Nemuru no sa, kawaru no sa, souzou tayasui anzen

「私   馬鹿な子なの   どこにも行かないで」
"Watashi baka na ko na no doko ni mo ikanaide"
濁った   正体の  鈍い目を覚ませ
Nigotta shoutai no nibui me wo samase
夜のうち   片付けた   おもちゃ
Yoru no uchi katazuketa omocha
無邪気なままで   まだいたかった
Mujaki na mama de mada itakatta

愛情は   high   ただ捨て置くばかり
Aijou wa high tada sute oku bakari
剥がれ落ちた   大事な記憶
Hagare ochita daiji na kioku
but   後悔  low-life   ならば敢えて
But koukai low-life naraba aete
ありえないことを   願う夏を
Arienai koto wo negau natsu wo


あいつは   好奇心に殺されたようだ   狡猾な術なら   試したんだ
Aitsu wa koukishin ni korosareta you da koukatsu na sube nara tameshita nda
うだつの上がらない   あんな行為   満面の笑みで   歌ってたんだ
Udatsu no agaranai anna koui manmen no emi de utatte ta nda

クローゼットで  待った今日は   一人で待つのなら   こんなもんか
Kuroozetto de matta kyou wa hitori de matsu no nara konna monka
変わるのさ、  終わるのさ、  肯定   
Kawaru no sa, owaru no sa, kotei

求め続ける   価値   価値   価値   迫る秒針
Motome tsuzukeru kachi kachi kachi semaru byoushin
もっと巻いて   業   深くなって
Motto maite kou fukaku natte
終いには   天地が   逆さまになる
Shimai ni wa tenchi ga sakasama ni naru
なんで?   どうして?   ほら   霞んだ   透明
Nande? Doushite? Hora 
kasunda toumei

「窓から見た   景色を   まだ   覚えています」
"Mado kara mita keshiki wo mada oboete imasu"
いっそ   消えて   無くなるだけの  YELLOW
Isso kiete naku naru dake no yellow (ieroo)


その日が   来ないよう   わざと   間違えて
Sono hi ga konai you wazato machigaete
崩れ落ちた   乖離と解脱   
Kuzure ochita kairi to gedatsu
救いなど   ないよう   限りあるなんて
Sukui nado nai you kagiri aru nante
まだ、  想う熱
Mada, omou netsu

愛情は   high   ただ捨て置くばかり
Aijou wa high tada sute oku bakari
剥がれ落ちた   大事な記憶
Hagare ochita daiji na kioku
but   後悔   low-life   ならば敢えて
But koukai low-life naraba aete
ありえないことを   願う夏を
Arienai koto wo negau natsu wo

Did my absolute best! Hope it was worth it ;w;


The lyrics : 💀⛓🩸🔪😥

THE BEAT : 💃💃✨😊


Me: Ohh this is a nice song

Youtube: Let me recommend this next year


Wandered here after listening to Horimiya's opening and honestly feeling like I hit the jackpot finding this musician! 🔥

