
I am a simple Lithuanian. I see Latvia, I click


Greetings from Latvia!


Hello, I live across the field from Sutras, the place with the pyramid. The story goes how you told it, but I can add detail.
Sutras ran a guest house back then (white building on the side of a pond) and a "healer" (dunno a more apt description haha) held her birthday party there. Around 5am the next morning, the old owner woke up, decided to walk off his wicked hangover, and noticed the healer walking around on the hill back there (back then, the hill was bare, almost none of the trees were there 20 years ago). He walked up to check up on her, and she declared that he should build a pyramid there. Remembering his dream from earlier, he took it as a sign from a higher power and built it there. The rock in the middle of the pyramid is from digging the pond and has a noticeable, cross shaped ridge in it. The pyramid is built on a steel frame from tufa (šūnakmens), a pumice-like rock that was acquired in their quarry nearby. At that point, it was one of a handful of active tufa quarries in Latvia, now it's sadly closed down. 
The pyramid supposedly has some weather control, healing and conservation powers, as it's built at a crossing point of multiple underground "streams" (āderes). I don't really buy into this stuff, but hey, it adds to the legend. And for what it's worth, none of the storms that have hit the region hard over the years have touched the 2 households in the immediate vicinity of the pyramid at all, so who knows, maybe there's something to it. 
Wild seeing what is essentially my home on Youtube haha


I'm an Estonian but love Latvia and I'm pleasantly surprised about your videos - nice aesthetics, quality etc.


Hello from Latvia:) Nice video


Easy peasy , cool , tough and gorgeous young Woman from Norway ! :hands-yellow-heart-red::goodvibes:


Fantastic roads with unspoiled scenery, clean and tidy everywhere, what a beautiful country. Maybe a best kept secret ?


Great video. Thank you. Beautifully done as always.


Latvia looks awesome 🙂


It’s really interesting to see my own country through the eyes of a traveler from abroad. We rarely explore the more remote places, always chasing something new in other countries, but there’s so much left undiscovered right here. This really makes me want to leave the paved roads behind and just drive wherever, without even checking the map.




Amazing stuff, Runa 😃 Latvia seems to be a really beautiful country. Also, the quality of your videos is from great -> upwards 😎


Beautiful Runa, love watching it!!!!
Thanks 👌🏼🤩


Runa, you are getting much better at talking to us thru the camera ---- well done! Thanks for a relaxing vid !


i live in latvija to and that is nice when someone like you ,came and watch how look like latvija wonderful video thanks


Grazie Runa per i bei posti che mi hai fatto vedere e per il tuo sorriso contagioso.
quest' anno spero di venire a visitare la scandinavia e vedere questi bei posti di persona ciao


like that you loved Latvia


All your videos are very relaxing to watch thank you for your channel 😊


Stubled upon you cuz I'm Latvian, and as most of us are, I'm interested in other peoples opinion about our corner of the world. I'll stay here for the quality of content by someone who clearly doesn't take life for granted and enjoys it.
P.S. Not knowing the start of next episode, that's no lake, it's river Daugava.


Another awesome ride along. Thanks for letting us tag along again.