
I love how a wood working channel has 1 of the best sounds tracks and editing on YouTube.


My man... this was probably the most entertaining build video I have ever watched in 6+ years watching woodworking on YouTube.


this is the best Malecki video imo


I´ve been watching YouTube videos since the very beginning of YouTube, and you good sir, just deserved my first subscription.


I'm on my first minute into the video and already loving it. The fact that there are no handles on the drawers/pull-outs is a huge positive for me! Makes so much sense.


Dude!!!! Just came across this Outfeed Table and IT IS GORGEOUS!! Great job my guy


Excellent to Outstanding, Marine! Semper Fi


glad I'm not the only one with a bunch of old sanding discs and offcuts under my workbench!!!


You cured my ptsd and inspired me to be a carpenter in one video. Immediately subscribed. Your country thanks you for your service!


Great work!


This is my favorite videos of yours. I was just thinking about how funny the dust collector part was. Then Thor’s hammer sealed the deal. Best video ever.


Best Workbench/Workbench vidéo ever! Thx mate for your positiv energy!


Good job I like it


What a fun build.


probably the best woodshop i've ever seen.  fantastic!


Great video! Semper Fi!


Amazing job.  The tracks are a nice feature.   Need to add to my top.


Love me a workbench vid....i could honestly watch these all day long every one of them has some handy and pretty cool feature that I incorporate into my own fantasy bench.....great job....as the in-laws are here I'll be sneak watching it in 5 minute intervals over the course of the day!!


Cool video bro!


That table is the bomb digity!