I think part of the reason there was such a boom in ghost hunting shows was because of the writers strike in the mid 2000s which caused an influx of reality tv shows
"I can experience a woman in terror whenever I want" LOL
“This is before three white guys could make a podcast” made me cackle 😂😂 just found your channel and I love it
One thing that skeptics and believers agree: Ryan Bergara and Shane Madej are the best ghost hunters in the world.
“I mean who among us didn’t get really into witch craft after deconstructing our Christian faith??” ASHLEY. Don’t call us like that!! 😂😂😂
im so obsessed with your channel oh my god im so happy you popped up on my recommended! i grew up the same exact way, my mom literally took me to a ghost hunters meet and greet
The absolute audacity of that man to tell the ghost to "stop" when it didnt want to say what its gender was I cant
You nailed it, I love horror and ghost stories specifically because they discuss negative histories or emotions society tries to repress.
As a little kid, I LOVED Ghost Hunters any pretty much any other type of ghost show(Celebrity Ghost Stories, Destination Truth, etc.). My mom was a ghost hunter in her spare time in Hawaii, so when the Ghost Hunters came to Oahu to visit the super haunted Aviation/Pearl Harbor Museum, we actually got to meet them! Jason, Grant and every body else were super nice (but that could have been because I was like 8 at the time). Josh Gates was also there and you KNOW my mom was blushing the whole time. I don't know what it is about that man but middle aged women are obsessed.
ghost adventures was my shiznits as a kid. my mom was really into ghost shows and true crime, and we also usually had one of these channels playing, and she def fed some of my belief/understanding of the supernatural
My (possible) ghost story: I didn’t really believe in ghosts until I went on holiday last year to this huge very old house with my family. I had a room on my own in the oldest part of the house and heard/felt breathing in my ear one night — I thought it was me so I completely froze and stopped breathing, tried covering and uncovering my ears, switching position, and it just kept going until I ran out of the room. After that night my cousin shared the room with me and the sound never came back.
I love the M.O. of Ghost Hunters, because it's the opposite of science. "Okay, instead of a double-blind test, I'd like you to tell me about some recurring instances of behavior, the exact places they happened, and the historical bio of the characters involved. That way, we'll know just how to interpret subtle flickers in the florescent lighting and radio interference on the memo recorder." "That pine cone falling outside the window was definitely Mrs Crowley!"
I just subscribed to you, and you've already made several really specific videos that feel like exactly what I want to see. I don't believe in ghosts, and see paranormal content as manipulative toward vulnerable people. I'm not a fan of religion and spirituality for the same reason. Also, I despise the Warrens.
Dude your spooky story legit gave me chills…. I remember one time I was cleaning at 3 am and my kids leap frog pad turned on which always started with a “hello!” I immediately stopped cleaning, turned everything off and ran uostairs and went to sleep 😅
First of all, I recently subscribed to you and now I'm just gradually going through you're catalogue and I have to say I'm so impressed with the quality of your content! You're gonna go places :) Now, ghosts 👻 I have no idea if ghosts are real, I'm really torn on the subject. I have had a few experiences that all relate to my father's passing that you might attribute to some sort of psychological thing. For instance: I sometimes sleep in a hammock I have in my room, but I no longer sleep on one particular side of it, because on three separate occasions when I layed down to sleep I could feel this energy between my ears and this sound just gradually increasing, getting louder and louder, even making me dizzy, culminating in my father's voice like shouting my name in the distance or saying a single word. This really freaked me out. Something that I cannot explain with any degree of psychological phenomena though is what happened in my sister's house, who lives two blocks away. My dad was actually her stepdad and they didn't always have a very good relationship, but even though they didn't get along very well, my dad really saw and appreciate all she did for me and my mother. One night my sister was watching television and it was a TV show in which someone's father ends up dying, and right at that moment the various light bulbs on the lamp next to the television start pulsating independently for about 15 seconds. Something else that happened was actually related to my house too: I was making an exam at home (covid times) and all of a sudden the picture frame with my dad's picture comes crashing down from the wall. About a minute later I hear my mother answering the telephone. It was my sister and I hear my mother say "yes, I just heard something come down in Lukas' room too". Turns out that on roughly the exact same time that one picture frame came down, the clock in my sister's living room randomly fell of the wall. To this day I cannot explain this 'coincidence' with any logical reasoning...
I recently discovered your channel in my recommended and I love it so much. I'm just going through all of your videos and I've enjoyed all of them. Easiest subscribe of my life. Also I heavily relate to being raised on the classics, Travel Channel and the SyFy channel. The only "ghost" story I have is that one day in 2017 or something, I had a statue of David sitting on my desk. It was probably 10 pounds or so in weight. I was sitting in my bed on my phone when the statue suddenly fell over and a piece of it broke. I got it and examined it for probably 30 minutes attempting to recreate the fall, from shaking my desk to getting in my bed (which my desk was up against from the bottom) and bouncing around. I couldn't get it to happen again, no matter what I did, unless I physically pushed it over. Never really understood how that happened.
I loved the Queer Ghost Hunters!! I haven’t watched their channel in quite a few years, I love how you brought them up<3
I just discovered your channel and I LOVE the way you tackle pop culture topics <3 automatic subscribe!
I used to love watching the show A Haunting when I woukd get back early from elementary school on Mondays! It was cool to hear various stories. I don't even really believe in ghosts, but I do enjoy ghost stories