
You said “feminine energy” and I quietly said “fenergy” to myself, playfulness still good!


I’m guilty of all of these PLUS one more I must mention: you’re not in you’re feminine energy if you are always rushing everywhere because you’re addicted to your “to-do” list instead of your “to-be” list


Called out. Seen with the eyes of a hawk. Heard with the ears of a fox.


Thank you for this important reminder. I was doing so well living in my feminine energy, with the help of your videos! Then life got the best of me and i am now guilty of all those things! Yikes. Time to take a step back and relax.


Because of you and other CC, I am 38 and on this journey and feel more feminine than I have in years. I’m not where I want to be but not where I used to be. I will be my fullness by my 39th bday in Dec


I'm a millennial currently in an exticential crisis. Jillz, you have saved me LITERALLY. I actually started a blog because of you. My heart is so full now that I commit to my feminine energy every day. 😊 ❤


I kind of resonate with the first one but I also feel like when life is throwing you punches you sometimes lose your playfulness because your soul is saddened, not always because of feminine or masculine energy


I’ve come a long way settling into my fem energy but still room for growth! Surrender seems so crucial to all these - to stop fighting life and just play, to release control and to be in connection with God ❤


Yep. A bad relationship combined with a toxic friendship.😢 Left me completely drained. I'm moving away from the guy, dropped the friend and am moving. I hope I get myself back and feel like a woman again.


Guilty as charged :-D In my life I had to learn to rely on myself, being most of time without strong partner, therefore I am more in my masculine energy and I learnt how to done things.


I let go cleaning and cooking for other people but it never gets done right. If the people around you are reliable then you can surrender. If not, what quality of life would you have? When u are playful people say you behave like a child or a little girl.


I have been working on #2 & 3 and I probably need to increase playfulness. ❤


It's number 1 and 3 for me. It's not too bad but still needs improvement. I've come to understand that our subconscious holds onto things from the past, or recent negative experiences to protect us. However, once that masculine energy dissipates and our feminine energy emerges, we'll be able to experience the life we truly desire. It’ll be truly beautiful!😊❤


I can relate to all three.


Yep, yep and yep.....sigh! 
Needed this reminder, Thank You! 🩷


So true!! And I have been depleted and exhausted because of this.


I passed #1 and #2 ❤ but failed miserably on #3 at work, but thankfully, not in my non-work relationships.  Need to sit with this for a bit!


How to differentiate between intuition and overthinking


When i sit inside my body instead of my head though i start to feel high and thats a very conusing feeling.


Hit the nail on the head with this. 🤯