
Hi Eye 👁 👀 Guy nice video 📹 and workmanship


Mine has been right upper eye lid for over a year and a half, not constant but seems to becoming more frequent. Yawning, laughing, rubbing my eye or closing eyes hard can set it off. You can see it twitching ripple across the eye lashes. Lasts for a few seconds and stops. I can actually stop a twitch by placing my finger on it. I do suffer from dry eye and use refresh, I do use the PC/phone alot but I have noticed it settles the more I am off the screen. I do drink 2 cups of coffee a day, vitamin labs are all great. I have not gone to a doctor about it yet, I did have a full eye exam last week and forgot to mention it.


After a dental x-ray, my facial nerve tweaked hard for about 7 seconds. They didn't see it happen (they were out of the radiation zone) and said it was impossible. I've never had a twitch like that prior or since.


Im so glad I chose to have optometry be my dream career, im a first year university student currently, and majoring in health science, and im making it happen😁


Hey Dr. When will you be commenting on the Lumify preservative free drops as they are now available?


Thank❤ you ..I was twitching under one eye yesterday
I believe mine was related to lack of sleep ..stress and bright lights..yikes
I got rest stayed at peace and kept it dark when I left work😊


I've been having eyelid twitches on both eyelids for a few weeks. 😔😶 You magnesium supplements, but don't specify which kind (citrate, glycinate, etc.)


I have benign essential blepharospasm. It is really difficult to live with….Especially driving!  Botox injections every 3 months which definitely help but it’s not perfect.


I have eyelid twitches on my upper right lid whenever I am super stressed - sometimes about 4-6 times per year. They can last for a week. So how do I reduce my stress? Lol. All I can do is try to ignore it... it's maddening, haha!


What if it's both eyes, both lids, but just fluttering not forcing the eyes shut. After my covid vaccinations I had that for at least 2 years.


I think mine is due to magnessium deficiency


I started experiencing it after i took a break from eating lentils. I ate some other potassium foods instead of the lentils and the eye twitch stopped.


Yeah because everyone can afford thousands in doctor bills