
[These allegations are old and could be debunked]


I feel like there is/was WAYYY too much drama.


THANK GOD the creators i support dont do these


I really wish we could turn back time to the good old days because this is starting to get worse then Gacha Heat to be honest in my opinion☹️💔


It’s true, people who said 2020 was a bad year for gacha… This might be worse…


And that's the reason why i promised to myself that if i ever get popular i won't be like them and be a good inspiration to others! :D


A lot of stuff in this community has happened some people were like someone you don’t wanna be with like bellathewolf, and some others but for the community racist dude he wanted to quit but apparently ppl didn’t respect his decision so to make his subs hate him he did that.


Ngl.. the fnaf gacha community is pretty chill...


This needs more views, genuinely!


I didn't know all that as a gacha creator myself and I don't mean to hurt people... 😢


(i know its not related to the situation here but I'd like a tut on the last text of 'how bad' animation)


For the community idol he wants to quit but people were saying theyll hurt themselves if he did so he started being racist so he could quit and no one will care hope this helped


2,3 and the last one i don't understand


I quitted gacha 😊


Hiw bad can i possibly be lets see!!!


Gacha heat and bellethewolf 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭ima die


No bro. Because I thought that the gotcha idle, for everyone was Rema. You know that really one funny girl that got you one who has a flower on her head and stuff. She was my idol and you can’t say that your first gotcha video didn’t somewhat relate to one of her videos. You cannot say that because I know you’re lying.


and why that call internet my friends


Um I don’t really think vinn is racists someone made that vid of him and I think in gacha it’s normal for fake deaths