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Sinistar evo method: reach Lv.100 in space while holding a moon stone
Pyromar evo method:   reach Pheonix Point at one HP and defeat Volcanoin while using only Blaziken
Torniscorch evo method:     reach Pheonix Point at one HP and defeat Chi-Yu while using only Talonflame


Hey hoopsandhiphop, just wanted to say that i have been enjoying your videos a lot throughout the last years and really enjoy the videos with new pokemon concepts
You probably already read this in other comments but i think that 5:22 looks very much like an AI image to my eyes and i would personally prefer it if that was less dominant in todays youtube landscape
Of course i dont want to say you used or generated it on purpose, you probably just googled "epic Phoenix" and it showed up but this is just a firendly dinosaur and pokemon fan asking you to pay attention and try not to use AI
Thanks and cant wait for the next video ^^


+ [Use "Burn Up"]
+ [Use "Revival Blessing"]

= Evolve


Pyromar is INCREDIBLE! Instant favorite pokemon if it existed


Well first off Sinistar’s design takes some inspiration from its previous evolutions which I like, but as for an evolution method I say that in order to evolve it to the 4th stage first the Pokemon as to be at least Level 75, it will need to in a particular location & time like for Gengar a spooky place at midnight, & the 3rd thing is something different for each one like fainting or holding an item


Gengar evolves by having a certain number of star pieces/ comet shards in your inventory


Gengar evolves when traded with a Solrock (black hole relating to stars) and Clefable evolving when traded with Lunatone (moon relation). Could give the Sol and Luna a cool reason to evolve as well :)


Pyromar is also my favorite of the three. It certainly looks more flashy than Mega Blaziken, but nevertheless a cool design!


Your videos always look so good! High-key all these designs are amazing!


Thank you for showing love to blaziken/ my favorite starter for a long time people and I think the design of pyromar is amazing elestava keeps on doing great with all the designs she makes


I really admire the amount of thought and detail that goes into these!


Thank you so much for all videos you made. You are one of my absolutely best youtubers ever. Zdraví Nogy. Greetings from Czech Republic. My most favorite 4th stage evolution is from Gengar => Sinistar.


Can't wait to see how this batch turns out!


It’d be cooler if it evolved when you used a Max Revuve mid-battle instead and when you switched it back in it’d be evolved already, these designs are all amazing and I live Pyromar’s name


Talonflame looks better than some fire legendaries


I really like Pyromar, but I miss the chicken theme in the names from the previous evos.
Pyrongjimar maybe.
- Pyro
- Gongji - rooster in Mandarin
- Mar - martial arts/fire marshall
The name is a bit lengthy, but a 4-syllable name to a 4th-stage evolution is a bit of a coincidence.


My theory is, Mega Evolution is kinda like the 4th stage evolution for pokemon but the power they gain from that is so strong that it becomes too overwhelming and too much to contain and that's why they revert back after a short while.


Idea: What if Starter pokemon had unique trios outside of their reigons BASED on their origins
E.G: Delphox (Fox Witch) and Meowscarada (Cat Magician) are based on magic users so we could have a water starter based on a Rabbit and a Fairy god parent


Imo I think Talonflame would evolve by leveling up to lvl50 while having Moltres in your party. This would reference the anime when Ash’s Fletchinder evolve into Talonflame during the fight against Moltres.