The nostalgia I gained from this gameplay is surreal, the sprites were real made and the visuals were good, I want to replay this again!
The sprites were so good damn 😍
Even from real console hardware, the colors and lightning are still good view
It's good to see you back once more. 🌟
Wow Mixeli playing an old game Sonic advance? What a legend
The colors look really good on real hardware!
Glad to hear you upload non-Pokemon gameplay videos :)
I hope the next one is Super Mario Advance
i'll always cherish this game since it introduced me to the sonic franchise
This is good! Could you showcase some footage of the Chao Garden, and maybe the other Sonic games on the Game Boy Advance?
Good play sonic advance👍 And That good is voice
I still play this game a lot a consider it the best of the trilogy. I basically just play as Amy and sometimes Tails.
I love Sonic games.
I thought Amy doing something sus in the thumbnail
Whaaat Mixeli jugando un juego de Sonic 😱
Man.. the memories
The Colours looks better in real Hardware!
Um, is Sonic Advance first one supposed doesn't had voice yet?
I didn’t know you were a sonic fan