
If Amazon can end your ability to access your books you bought, they can and will do the same thing to your games.


He called Steam a small company because the market value of Valve Corp isn't even ten billion dollars.  It's Efficient and Coherent in direction, unlike AAA Corpo Slop.


Pirate software worked for Amazon gaming studio after blizzard.  He told this story in a short about how he was overworked at blizzard and his new boss at Amazon introduced him to work life balance. 😂


Knowing it's a DEI company, I wouldn't think to look if they had games.


Turns out when you are Anti-Consumer , Consumers don't want to use your product. :)


I don't do business with Amazon regardless of what they sell.


He still doesnt understand why we use Steam. The core base users is because they love Valve as a company because of Gabe Newell, Half Life, Counter Strike, TF2. Valve is by gamers for gamers. He's a corporate boomer that will never understand.


I worked in a QA Studio AGS hired to QA test their in development, in house games.
It was between 2016-2018, during that time they were developing 3 games.
One of them was Project: Breakway (the one I worked on), New World (which was a survival game at beginning btw) and some third game I totally forgot about.
Every single one of those games were so shit we actually suffered mentally while testing (playing) them.
The only saving grace was that we had so many things to laugh about after every day at work that it actually kind of made it worthwile.
They had people like ex Starcraft devs with 15+ years of experience working on these games and they never managed to figure out what these games were supposed to be.
Every piece of feedback we provided about changing the direction of the development ended up in echo chamber. They were so fucking sure of themselves, that they're making the next big heat that nothing we said made any difference.
In the end 2 out of those 3 games got cancelled, and New World was changed from a shit survival game into a shit mmo wanabe.
Amazon Game Studios in a nutshell.


"I spent 15 years of my life trying to figure out how to sell video games properly" 😑


a company existed for 15 years... amazon games. And there was nothing that was a break out success? Geez their gaming department must have been filled with failures


It is funny cause they didn't even try to compete with Steam. If they think what they did was a genuine attempt they are insane. 
The only ones who have put a real effort in are GoG and Epic. Which is starting to work ok for them.


if it wasn't for the amazon online store, they would not be able to afford all the bad/ expensive decisions they have been making.
amazon games
rings of woke
next will be "woke bond".


I knew Amazon did games but I honestly thought they shut it down a while ago shrugs


"I'm not retarded I swear. My mom had me tested."
You just got a sub with that one lol


This is my favorite channel now


I think you've actually said it right the first time. Valve,  per capita , can be easily 50 times more profitable than Amazon. More than 5 times for sure. Valve is quite small, less than 350 people.


At least this won't effect their free games program... that ish is a blessing


The difference between Steam and Amazon that really sums it all up, is that Steam wont let games run forced adverts inside of the game,  where as Amazon would of encouraged it.


Failed in one of the important rules of competition: Know your enemy. By him calling steam a "small company" tells you everything you need to know about his logic and vision


I've been using Steam for a really long time, it's going to take a monumental product that is absolutely amazing to make me switch from Steam.