
We chose SW White Duck with our brown exterior faux stone and SW Iron Ore trim and it turned out simply amazing. Thanks for the video and all the great paint colors!


These were all lovely white paint suggestions for dark gray roofs….I would love to see a white paint suggestion for tan or brown roofs….I guess they could be the same except all would have to have a warm or very neutral undertone.


This was THE MOST helpful video I have seen when choosing paint. Thank you!


Great video and excellent choice of whites. Choosing a color can be intimidated specially when trying to figure out the undertones and choosing trim


Thank you for the great overview.  I went with Moderne White exterior with my dark taupe/grey roof tile and guantlet grey for my front doors and shutters.  Thank you so very very much!!!


Great video.   Very helpful.  I actually just hired this designer for an E consultation and she's great.  If you're wondering if it's worth the money.. it is!  She's very responsive and generous with her time.  You get a lot for your money.  When she says that she's not happy until you are, she really means it.


Excellent Video !  Thanks for confirming my choices and going into detail regarding how the paints perfrom. LOVE THIS!


We are just starting a new build and I want to paint the exterior white.  You gave me lots of good information and options!  Thank you! 👍🏼😍


White Oyster + a pitch of white, I found to be lovely for doors and wooden windows , while having white walls. 💙


I'm choosing SW Moderne White with Umber brown


Take a shot every time she says white.

Great Video! Choosing the Seapearl.


Very nice video. I really  enjoy it, thanks for sharing


Beautiful whites!👍❤️😊


Awesome video- thank you so much for putting this together- very helpful for directing me on colors


Note to self..
LRV: 73-85
Benjamin Moore: White Dove
Shriman Williams: Alabaster
BM: Seapearl (China White)


I have a east facing brick craftsman with a brown roof and lots of greenery.  I was thinking of a cream.  Do you think the Duck is too white?  Thank you, this is so helpful!


This has been very helpful. We are finally repainting our FOUR unit townhouse, and as HOA President, I want everyone to be pleased with the choice. I would really like to see a cool white with a dark celadon/khaki/greyish color on the wood trim, of which we have quite a bit. It is a two story bldg, and has not been painted for 40 yrs, so we need to find the right colors, since it may be another few decades before we repaint! I'm fighting the others, who are tending toward a  darker color stucco with white trim, while I tend to want the reverse look, a nice white stucco with the darker wood trim, as we are in sunny, HOT, southern CA! Thanks! Very helpful video.


Thank you very helpful


Hi, I read the comments below and just would like some clarification.  I have pre painted Arctic White Hardie B&B siding.  Would you recommend satin sheen for the black gutters and windows?


Great video and images for reference! We are about to merge into restoring our home because we found the original wood siding under the ugly vinyl. Any recommendations? Our house faces east. We don’t want the white to look beige but we are also scared of the white looking like a primer. We are looking into Alabaster, White Dove, Snowbound, Simply White