
Learning languages is not all about its usefulness. It is about immersing oneself in other cultures, in other ways of thinking, so that we may better understand the world. In the case of fictional languages, it helps us to understand the possibilities and celebrate the creative power of the human mind. All I can say to others who have attempted to learn a fictional language is good on you. It is a noble and difficult task to undertake. 


Irayo for uploading!
Eywa ayngahu!


Creating a whole truly working language for a film or series is just a beautiful intuitive level of depth and attention to detail. I love when developers go this deep into the process.


The authenticity of the language intrigued me when I first watched the film; reminded me of Tolkien.  It helps to create a depth of "reality" in a story.

James Cameron sees his world much the same way Tolkien sees Middle Earth.  Or perhaps like J.K. Rowling see's Hogwarts.  Their stories are in a way "real" to them.


I'm learning Na'vi right now. It's so much fun!


I think the best-known Na'vi phrase is "I see you" Oel ngati kameie. That would be easy to abbreviate as ONK


Paul should totally make a video series on how to speak na'vi!!


Aw..thats brilliant... I didn't know the language is moving on like that... fqscinating.


i think its amazing that people is learning the language.


I think its impressive there are entire books on Pandora to go with the film, Cameron literally created a planet.


"Dances with Smurfs!"


@Xinadium Learning a language, even if it has been created from a Movie, shouldn't deem someone a "nerd."
I thought they were called 'Linguists."
Rather than shoot down the idea, try it first.


My god that interviewer is annoying. I don't think he could care less about the subject. He makes me cringe everytime he asks a question.


@mindstormsabrewin - very much agreed on this.  The number of languages we lose in the world is something mindboggling like 10 or more a day.


On James Cameron's Avatar.... fans of this film and its aspects usually do not fit the common mold of other Science fiction films , because the film itself has reflective elements relating to core aspects of our own very "real" world challenges and internal aspects of  humanity root issues on many levels. Avatar's so called fans often hold strong community bridging conversations upon such matters from a very deep place of collective expression ,, The Na'vi language and its place of expression By refelctive example  are a part of this , But our own traditinal peoples source reflect them in there internal language expression strutures in very powerful ways not common in our expression and dialog today,, Take for example the root expression place of  Zulu language word "Sawubona"  I would have never discovered or had a clue to its "expression" place  if  was not for the examples of the Constructed Na'vi Language, and the films powerful storyline paired together..  the youtube example from the global oneness project helps define the meaning .. Thank you Paul Former.


There is a name to the language, other "The Na'Vi Language". Grace says it during her first scene. What is it?


wo0w! very exciting to meet Paul Frommer :D he made a nice job


2017 come on!




Many of you ask "Why would anyone want to learn Na'vi? whats the point?"
The FACT of the matter is: People from all over the world are learning Na'vi, and can finally communicate together with THIS single language.
A German cant speak to a French person (assuming he doesnt know French).
However if they both know Na'vi, they can communicate!

That applies to ALL races.
There is no Language barrier!

Learn it :)