Partially Examined Life #363: Franz Brentano's Moral Epistemology (Part One)
The Partially Examined Life
Partially Examined Life #363: Franz Brentano's Moral Epistemology (Part One)
Partially Examined Life #362: Ecclesiastes: Biblical Existentialism? (Part Two)
The Partially Examined Life
Partially Examined Life #362: Ecclesiastes: Biblical Existentialism? (Part Two)
Pretty Much Pop #191: Saturday Night Liver
The Partially Examined Life
Pretty Much Pop #191: Saturday Night Liver
Nakedly Examined Music #228: John "JR" Robinson: Omnipresent Drummer
The Partially Examined Life
Nakedly Examined Music #228: John "JR" Robinson: Omnipresent Drummer
Partially Examined Life #362: Ecclesiastes: Biblical Existentialism? (Part One)
The Partially Examined Life
Partially Examined Life #362: Ecclesiastes: Biblical Existentialism? (Part One)
Ep. 361: Marx on Machines (Part Two)
The Partially Examined Life
Ep. 361: Marx on Machines (Part Two)
Pretty Much Pop #190: The Substance: Act Your Age!
The Partially Examined Life
Pretty Much Pop #190: The Substance: Act Your Age!
Philosophy vs. Improv w/ Shawn and Aaron from srsly wrong (#89)
The Partially Examined Life
Philosophy vs. Improv w/ Shawn and Aaron from srsly wrong (#89)
Closereads: Guattari on Fascism (Part One)
The Partially Examined Life
Closereads: Guattari on Fascism (Part One)
Partially Examined Life #361: Marx on Machines (Part One)
The Partially Examined Life
Partially Examined Life #361: Marx on Machines (Part One)
Nakedly Examined Music #227: Django Haskins (The Old Ceremony): Pop Noir
The Partially Examined Life
Nakedly Examined Music #227: Django Haskins (The Old Ceremony): Pop Noir
Partially Examined Life #360: Karl Marx on Economic Value (Part Two)
The Partially Examined Life
Partially Examined Life #360: Karl Marx on Economic Value (Part Two)
Pretty Much Pop #189: Bob Dylan As We Know Him
The Partially Examined Life
Pretty Much Pop #189: Bob Dylan As We Know Him
Partially Examined Life #360: Karl Marx on Economic Value (Part One)
The Partially Examined Life
Partially Examined Life #360: Karl Marx on Economic Value (Part One)
Philosophy vs. Improv w/ Randy Fertel (#88)
The Partially Examined Life
Philosophy vs. Improv w/ Randy Fertel (#88)
Closereads: Marx on Stirner (Part One)
The Partially Examined Life
Closereads: Marx on Stirner (Part One)
Partially Examined Life #359: Karl Marx's Project (Part Two)
The Partially Examined Life
Partially Examined Life #359: Karl Marx's Project (Part Two)
Pretty Much Pop #188: Vampire Appreciation
The Partially Examined Life
Pretty Much Pop #188: Vampire Appreciation
Partially Examined Life #359: Karl Marx's Project (Part One)
The Partially Examined Life
Partially Examined Life #359: Karl Marx's Project (Part One)
Partially Examined Life #358: Max Stirner's Egoism (Part Two)
The Partially Examined Life
Partially Examined Life #358: Max Stirner's Egoism (Part Two)
Nakedly Examined Music #226: The Evolution of Iain Matthews (Fairport Convention, etc.)
The Partially Examined Life
Nakedly Examined Music #226: The Evolution of Iain Matthews (Fairport Convention, etc.)
Partially Examined Life #358: Max Stirner's Egoism (Part One)
The Partially Examined Life
Partially Examined Life #358: Max Stirner's Egoism (Part One)
Philosophy vs. Improv w/ Simon Critchley (#87)
The Partially Examined Life
Philosophy vs. Improv w/ Simon Critchley (#87)
Partially Examined Life Nightcap: '24-'25 Transition
The Partially Examined Life
Partially Examined Life Nightcap: '24-'25 Transition
Closereads: Husserl on Essences (Part One)
The Partially Examined Life
Closereads: Husserl on Essences (Part One)
Pretty Much Pop #187: Taking Down Santa Claus
The Partially Examined Life
Pretty Much Pop #187: Taking Down Santa Claus
Partially Examined Life #357: Feuerbach on the Evolution of Philosophy (Part Two)
The Partially Examined Life
Partially Examined Life #357: Feuerbach on the Evolution of Philosophy (Part Two)
Partially Examined Life #357: Feuerbach on the Evolution of Philosophy (Part One)
The Partially Examined Life
Partially Examined Life #357: Feuerbach on the Evolution of Philosophy (Part One)
Nakedly Examined Music #225: Loudon Wainwright III, the Reporter-Songwriter
The Partially Examined Life
Nakedly Examined Music #225: Loudon Wainwright III, the Reporter-Songwriter
Pretty Much Pop #186: From Oz Books to Wicked Film
The Partially Examined Life
Pretty Much Pop #186: From Oz Books to Wicked Film
Partially Examined Life #356: Feuerbach Against Theology (Part Two)
The Partially Examined Life
Partially Examined Life #356: Feuerbach Against Theology (Part Two)
Philosophy vs. Improv w/ Sarah Shockey and Tommy Maranges (#86)
The Partially Examined Life
Philosophy vs. Improv w/ Sarah Shockey and Tommy Maranges (#86)
Closereads: Mill on Induction (Part One)
The Partially Examined Life
Closereads: Mill on Induction (Part One)
Partially Examined Life #356: Feuerbach Against Theology (Part One)
The Partially Examined Life
Partially Examined Life #356: Feuerbach Against Theology (Part One)
Pretty Much Pop #185: Steve Martin: X-Tuple Threat
The Partially Examined Life
Pretty Much Pop #185: Steve Martin: X-Tuple Threat
Partially Examined Life #355: Marx on Alienation (Part Two)
The Partially Examined Life
Partially Examined Life #355: Marx on Alienation (Part Two)
Philosophy vs Improv w/ Mike Gorgone (#85)
The Partially Examined Life
Philosophy vs Improv w/ Mike Gorgone (#85)
Partially Examined Life #355: Marx on Alienation (Part One)
The Partially Examined Life
Partially Examined Life #355: Marx on Alienation (Part One)
Partially Examined Life #354: Guest Tim Williamson on Philosophic Method (Part Two)
The Partially Examined Life
Partially Examined Life #354: Guest Tim Williamson on Philosophic Method (Part Two)
Pretty Much Pop #184: !BREAKING! Comedy News
The Partially Examined Life
Pretty Much Pop #184: !BREAKING! Comedy News
Philosophy vs. Improv w/ Lorraine Besser (#84)
The Partially Examined Life
Philosophy vs. Improv w/ Lorraine Besser (#84)
Partially Examined Life #354: Guest Tim Williamson on Philosophic Method (Part One)
The Partially Examined Life
Partially Examined Life #354: Guest Tim Williamson on Philosophic Method (Part One)
Nakedly Examined Music #224: Steve Dawson (Dolly Varden) Elevates Americana
The Partially Examined Life
Nakedly Examined Music #224: Steve Dawson (Dolly Varden) Elevates Americana
Partially Examined Life #353: Reid on Visual Knowledge (Part Two)
The Partially Examined Life
Partially Examined Life #353: Reid on Visual Knowledge (Part Two)
Closereads: Sartre on Nothingness (Part One)
The Partially Examined Life
Closereads: Sartre on Nothingness (Part One)
Pretty Much Pop #183: Classic Universal Monster Movies
The Partially Examined Life
Pretty Much Pop #183: Classic Universal Monster Movies
Partially Examined Life #353: Reid on Visual Knowledge (Part One)
The Partially Examined Life
Partially Examined Life #353: Reid on Visual Knowledge (Part One)
Philosophy vs. Improv S4 Premiere: Half Philosophizing
The Partially Examined Life
Philosophy vs. Improv S4 Premiere: Half Philosophizing
Partially Examined Life #352: Thomas Reid on Smelling and Knowledge (Part Two)
The Partially Examined Life
Partially Examined Life #352: Thomas Reid on Smelling and Knowledge (Part Two)
Pretty Much Pop #182: Tim Burton: Shtick Macabre
The Partially Examined Life
Pretty Much Pop #182: Tim Burton: Shtick Macabre
Closereads: F.H. Bradley's "Appearance and Reality" (Part One)
The Partially Examined Life
Closereads: F.H. Bradley's "Appearance and Reality" (Part One)
Partially Examined Life #352: Thomas Reid on Smelling and Knowledge (Part One)
The Partially Examined Life
Partially Examined Life #352: Thomas Reid on Smelling and Knowledge (Part One)
Partially Examined Life #351: Guest Sophie Grace Chappell on Transgender
The Partially Examined Life
Partially Examined Life #351: Guest Sophie Grace Chappell on Transgender
Nakedly Examined Music #223: Dale Crover (Melvins) the Accidentalist
The Partially Examined Life
Nakedly Examined Music #223: Dale Crover (Melvins) the Accidentalist
Partially Examined Life #350: Rorty on Justification and Essentialism (Part Two)
The Partially Examined Life
Partially Examined Life #350: Rorty on Justification and Essentialism (Part Two)
Philosophy vs. Improv Live in Chicago 8/21/24
The Partially Examined Life
Philosophy vs. Improv Live in Chicago 8/21/24
Pretty Much Pop #181: M. Night Shyamalan's Films Are a Trap
The Partially Examined Life
Pretty Much Pop #181: M. Night Shyamalan's Films Are a Trap
Partially Examined Life #350: Rorty on Justification and Essentialism (Part One)
The Partially Examined Life
Partially Examined Life #350: Rorty on Justification and Essentialism (Part One)
Nakedly Examined Music #222: Amy Rigby's Nostalgic Simplicity
The Partially Examined Life
Nakedly Examined Music #222: Amy Rigby's Nostalgic Simplicity
Partially Examined Life #349: Rorty's Pluralistic Pragmatism (Part Two)
The Partially Examined Life
Partially Examined Life #349: Rorty's Pluralistic Pragmatism (Part Two)
Philosophy vs. Improv: Our Lost Episode: Unshelved, Untitled
The Partially Examined Life
Philosophy vs. Improv: Our Lost Episode: Unshelved, Untitled
Pretty Much Pop #180: Season Four Wrap: Nostalgia
The Partially Examined Life
Pretty Much Pop #180: Season Four Wrap: Nostalgia
Closereads: Merleau-Ponty on the Body (Part One)
The Partially Examined Life
Closereads: Merleau-Ponty on the Body (Part One)
Partially Examined Life #349: Rorty's Pluralistic Pragmatism (Part One)
The Partially Examined Life
Partially Examined Life #349: Rorty's Pluralistic Pragmatism (Part One)
Partially Examined Life #348: Tim Williamson's Knowledge-First Epistemology (Part Two)
The Partially Examined Life
Partially Examined Life #348: Tim Williamson's Knowledge-First Epistemology (Part Two)
Pretty Much Pop #179: Deadpool Gets Meta
The Partially Examined Life
Pretty Much Pop #179: Deadpool Gets Meta
Partially Examined Life #348: Tim Williamson's Knowledge-First Epistemology (Part One)
The Partially Examined Life
Partially Examined Life #348: Tim Williamson's Knowledge-First Epistemology (Part One)
Nakedly Examined Music #221: David Nagler Goes Brazilian
The Partially Examined Life
Nakedly Examined Music #221: David Nagler Goes Brazilian
Philosophy vs. Improv with Danny Mora (#79)
The Partially Examined Life
Philosophy vs. Improv with Danny Mora (#79)
Philosophy vs Improv w/ David Shields (#80)
The Partially Examined Life
Philosophy vs Improv w/ David Shields (#80)
Partially Examined Life #347: Nyaya Sutra Against Buddhist Skeptics (Part Two)
The Partially Examined Life
Partially Examined Life #347: Nyaya Sutra Against Buddhist Skeptics (Part Two)
Partially Examined Life #347: Nyaya Sutra Against Buddhist Skeptics (Part One)
The Partially Examined Life
Partially Examined Life #347: Nyaya Sutra Against Buddhist Skeptics (Part One)
Nakedly Examined Music #220: Jah Wobble's Bass Worship
The Partially Examined Life
Nakedly Examined Music #220: Jah Wobble's Bass Worship
Pretty Much Pop #178: The Bear's Incomplete Dish
The Partially Examined Life
Pretty Much Pop #178: The Bear's Incomplete Dish
Partially Examined Life #346: Nyaya Sutra on Knowledge (Part Two)
The Partially Examined Life
Partially Examined Life #346: Nyaya Sutra on Knowledge (Part Two)
Closereads: Heidegger on Technology (Part One)
The Partially Examined Life
Closereads: Heidegger on Technology (Part One)
Partially Examined Life #346: Nyaya Sutra on Knowledge (Part One)
The Partially Examined Life
Partially Examined Life #346: Nyaya Sutra on Knowledge (Part One)
Pretty Much Pop #177: Inside Out - Animated Psyche
The Partially Examined Life
Pretty Much Pop #177: Inside Out - Animated Psyche
Nakedly Examined Music #219: Oliver Wakeman Beyond the Keyboard
The Partially Examined Life
Nakedly Examined Music #219: Oliver Wakeman Beyond the Keyboard
Partially Examined Life #345: William James on Religious Experience (Part Two)
The Partially Examined Life
Partially Examined Life #345: William James on Religious Experience (Part Two)
Closereads: William James on Asceticism and Saints (Part One)
The Partially Examined Life
Closereads: William James on Asceticism and Saints (Part One)
Philosophy vs. Improv with Lawrence Ware (#76)
The Partially Examined Life
Philosophy vs. Improv with Lawrence Ware (#76)
Philosophy vs. Improv w/ Tamler Sommers (#78)
The Partially Examined Life
Philosophy vs. Improv w/ Tamler Sommers (#78)
Partially Examined Life #345: William James on Religious Experience (Part One)
The Partially Examined Life
Partially Examined Life #345: William James on Religious Experience (Part One)
Pretty Much Pop #176: Furiosa: Are We Mad Maxed Out?
The Partially Examined Life
Pretty Much Pop #176: Furiosa: Are We Mad Maxed Out?
Philosophy vs. Improv w/ Bran Peacock (#75)
The Partially Examined Life
Philosophy vs. Improv w/ Bran Peacock (#75)
Partially Examined Life #344: Gettier and Goldman on Justified True Belief (Part Two)
The Partially Examined Life
Partially Examined Life #344: Gettier and Goldman on Justified True Belief (Part Two)
NEM#218: Pat Mastelotto: Prog Neanderthal Drum-Painting
The Partially Examined Life
NEM#218: Pat Mastelotto: Prog Neanderthal Drum-Painting
Partially Examined Life #344: Gettier and Goldman on Justified True Belief (Part One)
The Partially Examined Life
Partially Examined Life #344: Gettier and Goldman on Justified True Belief (Part One)
Philosophy vs Improv with Sheri Flanders (#77)
The Partially Examined Life
Philosophy vs Improv with Sheri Flanders (#77)
Closereads: Plotinus on The Intelligence (Part One)
The Partially Examined Life
Closereads: Plotinus on The Intelligence (Part One)
Pretty Much Pop #175: Podcast of the Planet of the Apes
The Partially Examined Life
Pretty Much Pop #175: Podcast of the Planet of the Apes
The Partially Examined Life #343: Plotinus the Neo-Platonist (Part Two)
The Partially Examined Life
The Partially Examined Life #343: Plotinus the Neo-Platonist (Part Two)
Nakedly Examined Music #217: Richard Thompson's Moments in Time
The Partially Examined Life
Nakedly Examined Music #217: Richard Thompson's Moments in Time
The Partially Examined Life #343: Plotinus the Neo-Platonist (Part One)
The Partially Examined Life
The Partially Examined Life #343: Plotinus the Neo-Platonist (Part One)
Partially Examined Life #342: Zhuangzi on Knowledge and Virtue (Part Two)
The Partially Examined Life
Partially Examined Life #342: Zhuangzi on Knowledge and Virtue (Part Two)
Pretty Much Pop #174: Fallout Plays Post-Apocalyptic
The Partially Examined Life
Pretty Much Pop #174: Fallout Plays Post-Apocalyptic
Nakedly Examined Music #216: Kim Richey Learns to Cherish Collaboration
The Partially Examined Life
Nakedly Examined Music #216: Kim Richey Learns to Cherish Collaboration
Partially Examined Life #342: Zhuangzi on Knowledge and Virtue (Part One)
The Partially Examined Life
Partially Examined Life #342: Zhuangzi on Knowledge and Virtue (Part One)
Closereads: Levinas on Buber (Part One)
The Partially Examined Life
Closereads: Levinas on Buber (Part One)