Ruger RXM, Cheaper Than Eggs and Easier to Carry!
OG’s Danger Show💥
Ruger RXM, Cheaper Than Eggs and Easier to Carry!
Look what I picked up in my grocery store!  Sub for the full review.. coming soon. #rugerpistol
OG’s Danger Show💥
Look what I picked up in my grocery store! Sub for the full review.. coming soon. #rugerpistol
Thanks @RangerPointPrecision and @KillamsKoatings for pimpin’ out this Marlin .45-70!
OG’s Danger Show💥
Thanks @RangerPointPrecision and @KillamsKoatings for pimpin’ out this Marlin .45-70!
You Can’t Shoot This Thing! 💀 Bear Creek Arsenal's 10mm PCC
OG’s Danger Show💥
You Can’t Shoot This Thing! 💀 Bear Creek Arsenal's 10mm PCC
Danger Debrief Episode 9 💀Snowed In & The Operator Survival Tool
OG’s Danger Show💥
Danger Debrief Episode 9 💀Snowed In & The Operator Survival Tool
Bear Creek Arsenal's BC-101 Grizzly // An Affordable 9mm
OG’s Danger Show💥
Bear Creek Arsenal's BC-101 Grizzly // An Affordable 9mm
The CMMG BR47... Did They Just Kill the AK47?
OG’s Danger Show💥
The CMMG BR47... Did They Just Kill the AK47?
The new CMMG BR47 Dissent with instructor Megan Portsche. Thanks to Noah Parker Visuals for the vid
OG’s Danger Show💥
The new CMMG BR47 Dissent with instructor Megan Portsche. Thanks to Noah Parker Visuals for the vid
Danger Debrief. Episode 8 // Cool Stuff a Viewer Sent That You Might Want!
OG’s Danger Show💥
Danger Debrief. Episode 8 // Cool Stuff a Viewer Sent That You Might Want!
X2 Dev Group Loaned me a Rifle! // The ARX LightFighter Ain't No AR-15!
OG’s Danger Show💥
X2 Dev Group Loaned me a Rifle! // The ARX LightFighter Ain't No AR-15!
Merry Christmas from OG’s Danger Show!
OG’s Danger Show💥
Merry Christmas from OG’s Danger Show!
Affordable Night Vision for Troubled Times // One Leaf Commander NV500 Eagle
OG’s Danger Show💥
Affordable Night Vision for Troubled Times // One Leaf Commander NV500 Eagle
Global Ordnance Monolith 5.56 // What Makes It So Cool?
OG’s Danger Show💥
Global Ordnance Monolith 5.56 // What Makes It So Cool?
What is an LPVO and why you need a GUNNR Odin for these troubled times
OG’s Danger Show💥
What is an LPVO and why you need a GUNNR Odin for these troubled times
Amazing .308 Battle Rifle! 💀 48-State Legal // CMMG BR3 Dissent
OG’s Danger Show💥
Amazing .308 Battle Rifle! 💀 48-State Legal // CMMG BR3 Dissent
Danger Debrief  💀 Episode 7 // How YouTubers make their MILLIONS!
OG’s Danger Show💥
Danger Debrief 💀 Episode 7 // How YouTubers make their MILLIONS!
Smith & Wesson Bodyguard 2.0 // Is It Just TOO Small?
OG’s Danger Show💥
Smith & Wesson Bodyguard 2.0 // Is It Just TOO Small?
You'll Want This Rifle… Even in Free States! // CMMG BR4 Dissent
OG’s Danger Show💥
You'll Want This Rifle… Even in Free States! // CMMG BR4 Dissent
Watch for the CMMG BR4 Dissent review coming to a Danger Show near you!  🤘😎
OG’s Danger Show💥
Watch for the CMMG BR4 Dissent review coming to a Danger Show near you! 🤘😎
Love the Stribog SP10-A3!
OG’s Danger Show💥
Love the Stribog SP10-A3!
DNT ThermNight TNC225R // Darkness is Coming
OG’s Danger Show💥
DNT ThermNight TNC225R // Darkness is Coming
You guys are fast when it comes to free stuff! All braces are spoken for. Thanks Bill!
OG’s Danger Show💥
You guys are fast when it comes to free stuff! All braces are spoken for. Thanks Bill!
Danger Debrief 💀 Episode 6 // Free Stuff for YOU in the mail!
OG’s Danger Show💥
Danger Debrief 💀 Episode 6 // Free Stuff for YOU in the mail!
Which one of these rockstars stays in Idaho when the reviews are done?  🤘😎
OG’s Danger Show💥
Which one of these rockstars stays in Idaho when the reviews are done? 🤘😎
Stribog SP10 A3 // Roller Delayed 10mm Auto // Crazy Fun!
OG’s Danger Show💥
Stribog SP10 A3 // Roller Delayed 10mm Auto // Crazy Fun!
Amy from X2 Dev Group Builds an AR-X LightFighter!
OG’s Danger Show💥
Amy from X2 Dev Group Builds an AR-X LightFighter!
Foxtrot Mike Ranch Rifle // Fail.  Fail.  Fail.  Win!!!
OG’s Danger Show💥
Foxtrot Mike Ranch Rifle // Fail. Fail. Fail. Win!!!
Danger Debrief 💀 Episode 5 // Danger in the Mail!
OG’s Danger Show💥
Danger Debrief 💀 Episode 5 // Danger in the Mail!
X2 Dev Group Tore Apart My Palmetto State Armory Rifle!
OG’s Danger Show💥
X2 Dev Group Tore Apart My Palmetto State Armory Rifle!
Danger Debrief 💀 Episode 4 // The Rest of the Mean Comments!
OG’s Danger Show💥
Danger Debrief 💀 Episode 4 // The Rest of the Mean Comments!
Danger Debrief 💀 Episode 3.. OG Reads Mean Comments!
OG’s Danger Show💥
Danger Debrief 💀 Episode 3.. OG Reads Mean Comments!
Hanging with the boys from X2 Dev Group in Boise 🤘😎
OG’s Danger Show💥
Hanging with the boys from X2 Dev Group in Boise 🤘😎
Danger Debrief 💀 Episode 2. Hot Garbage That Can Get You Killed
OG’s Danger Show💥
Danger Debrief 💀 Episode 2. Hot Garbage That Can Get You Killed
Mini Katana M390 // The Sharpest Knife I've Ever Owned!
OG’s Danger Show💥
Mini Katana M390 // The Sharpest Knife I've Ever Owned!
Danger Debrief 💀 Episode 1
OG’s Danger Show💥
Danger Debrief 💀 Episode 1
Using a .45-70 to Open a Safe! // Ranger Point Precision Exploded All Over This Gun!
OG’s Danger Show💥
Using a .45-70 to Open a Safe! // Ranger Point Precision Exploded All Over This Gun!
New Danger Studio & Gun Room!
OG’s Danger Show💥
New Danger Studio & Gun Room!
You Don't Have an AK-47?! // The Zastava M70 // Pure Serbian Coolness
OG’s Danger Show💥
You Don't Have an AK-47?! // The Zastava M70 // Pure Serbian Coolness
What’s In Your Pocket Wednesday
OG’s Danger Show💥
What’s In Your Pocket Wednesday
I Shot My Youtube Play Button!
OG’s Danger Show💥
I Shot My Youtube Play Button!
Meet Cobain. Way better than any robot dog but this one might sh!t on your carpet.
OG’s Danger Show💥
Meet Cobain. Way better than any robot dog but this one might sh!t on your carpet.
The robotic “rescue” dog  by Boston Dynamics. If he  comes to rescue me I’m gonna end myself quickly
OG’s Danger Show💥
The robotic “rescue” dog by Boston Dynamics. If he comes to rescue me I’m gonna end myself quickly
Technical difficulties.  Let’s cut to commercial break. Back to you in the studio, Jim…
OG’s Danger Show💥
Technical difficulties. Let’s cut to commercial break. Back to you in the studio, Jim…
I’ve snuck into SHOT Show!
OG’s Danger Show💥
I’ve snuck into SHOT Show!
Glock 43X vs  S&W Shield Plus // Battle of the Micro 9s!
OG’s Danger Show💥
Glock 43X vs S&W Shield Plus // Battle of the Micro 9s!
🤷‍♂️Who cares about SHOT Show!?! 🤷‍♂️
OG’s Danger Show💥
🤷‍♂️Who cares about SHOT Show!?! 🤷‍♂️
This thing changed the way I carry! // Shoot Faster, Shoot Flatter, Get Hot Chicks!
OG’s Danger Show💥
This thing changed the way I carry! // Shoot Faster, Shoot Flatter, Get Hot Chicks!
A Knife for the Apocalypse // the Toor Egress
OG’s Danger Show💥
A Knife for the Apocalypse // the Toor Egress
It was there all the time. 🤦‍♂️
OG’s Danger Show💥
It was there all the time. 🤦‍♂️
FN 510 Tactical // The Best FN’ Mountain Gun!
OG’s Danger Show💥
FN 510 Tactical // The Best FN’ Mountain Gun!
FightLite SCR // An AR-15 for Blue State Shooters
OG’s Danger Show💥
FightLite SCR // An AR-15 for Blue State Shooters
Ultimate Red Dot Torture Test // Gowutar HHC A-18
OG’s Danger Show💥
Ultimate Red Dot Torture Test // Gowutar HHC A-18
The Boring, Blocky, Outdated Glock 19x // Why Do We Love It So Much?!
OG’s Danger Show💥
The Boring, Blocky, Outdated Glock 19x // Why Do We Love It So Much?!
Pimpin' the Canik MC9
OG’s Danger Show💥
Pimpin' the Canik MC9
Ghost Loading a Beretta 1301 (and most semiauto shotguns)
OG’s Danger Show💥
Ghost Loading a Beretta 1301 (and most semiauto shotguns)
NV400 Commander // a new Option for Darkness by OneLeaf
OG’s Danger Show💥
NV400 Commander // a new Option for Darkness by OneLeaf
Tacticon Armament // Cool Gear at Crazy Prices!
OG’s Danger Show💥
Tacticon Armament // Cool Gear at Crazy Prices!
Danger Show Channel Update // Where I've Been, Where I'm Going
OG’s Danger Show💥
Danger Show Channel Update // Where I've Been, Where I'm Going
Canik Mete MC9 // I found out how uncool I am!
OG’s Danger Show💥
Canik Mete MC9 // I found out how uncool I am!
Affordable Night Vision "Binos" with Auto Focus
OG’s Danger Show💥
Affordable Night Vision "Binos" with Auto Focus
The Buck Kicker and the Beretta 1301 // amazing groups, half the recoil! #Beretta1301 #shotgun
OG’s Danger Show💥
The Buck Kicker and the Beretta 1301 // amazing groups, half the recoil! #Beretta1301 #shotgun
The BEST Vehicle Emergency First Aid Kit you'll ever own // Readiness Is All First Aid Kits
OG’s Danger Show💥
The BEST Vehicle Emergency First Aid Kit you'll ever own // Readiness Is All First Aid Kits
.45-70 Shootout with a Kansas Youtuber // Ultimate Meat Destruction!
OG’s Danger Show💥
.45-70 Shootout with a Kansas Youtuber // Ultimate Meat Destruction!
Night Vision Even Your Dog Can Afford!
OG’s Danger Show💥
Night Vision Even Your Dog Can Afford!
Gowutar A20 // Budget Red Dot Optic
OG’s Danger Show💥
Gowutar A20 // Budget Red Dot Optic
OneLeaf Find NV200 // Night Vision Binos You Can Actually Afford!
OG’s Danger Show💥
OneLeaf Find NV200 // Night Vision Binos You Can Actually Afford!
OG's Rooftop Rumble
OG’s Danger Show💥
OG's Rooftop Rumble
SIG X-Ten //  The Best 10mm Pistol on the Market?
OG’s Danger Show💥
SIG X-Ten // The Best 10mm Pistol on the Market?
Marlin 1895 Trapper  .45-70 // This One's Gonna Hurt!
OG’s Danger Show💥
Marlin 1895 Trapper .45-70 // This One's Gonna Hurt!
OneLeaf NV 100 Commander Night Vision // Bonus: Actual footage of tweakers doing things in the dark!
OG’s Danger Show💥
OneLeaf NV 100 Commander Night Vision // Bonus: Actual footage of tweakers doing things in the dark!
Finally a Budget Rifle for Home/Truck/Ranch Defense // Delta Team Tactical DD-15
OG’s Danger Show💥
Finally a Budget Rifle for Home/Truck/Ranch Defense // Delta Team Tactical DD-15
Springfield Armory Prodigy // What the Heck is the Point?    **RELOAD**
OG’s Danger Show💥
Springfield Armory Prodigy // What the Heck is the Point? **RELOAD**
Tacticon Armament Level 3A plates // Can plastic really stop bullets?!?
OG’s Danger Show💥
Tacticon Armament Level 3A plates // Can plastic really stop bullets?!?
Can you stop a mall shooter with your SUBCOMPACT pistol?
OG’s Danger Show💥
Can you stop a mall shooter with your SUBCOMPACT pistol?
Viewer Challenge: "Shoot the Dicken Drill with a Smith & Wesson"
OG’s Danger Show💥
Viewer Challenge: "Shoot the Dicken Drill with a Smith & Wesson"
OG's Dicken Drill // 40 yards, 10 rounds, 15 seconds
OG’s Danger Show💥
OG's Dicken Drill // 40 yards, 10 rounds, 15 seconds
Stopping Active Shooters! 🛑 a Law Enforcement Instructor's thoughts
OG’s Danger Show💥
Stopping Active Shooters! 🛑 a Law Enforcement Instructor's thoughts
The Humble Mini-14 //  😳 Why You Might Need One For These Troubled Times
OG’s Danger Show💥
The Humble Mini-14 // 😳 Why You Might Need One For These Troubled Times
Glock Replacement Barrels… But Why?!  // Bear Creek Arsenal
OG’s Danger Show💥
Glock Replacement Barrels… But Why?! // Bear Creek Arsenal
Tacticon Armament Rifle Optics // Affordable Force Multiplier
OG’s Danger Show💥
Tacticon Armament Rifle Optics // Affordable Force Multiplier
Using a Karambit in your EDC gear // Toor Knives Karsumba
OG’s Danger Show💥
Using a Karambit in your EDC gear // Toor Knives Karsumba
Turkish Tourists Shoot Guns for the First Time! // Hilarious!
OG’s Danger Show💥
Turkish Tourists Shoot Guns for the First Time! // Hilarious!
Çanik TP9 SFx, Awesome Race Gun // Better Defense Pistol
OG’s Danger Show💥
Çanik TP9 SFx, Awesome Race Gun // Better Defense Pistol
Smith & Wesson M&P 10mm // A Fistful of Fury!
OG’s Danger Show💥
Smith & Wesson M&P 10mm // A Fistful of Fury!
Bear Creek Arsenal .22 Upper Receiver // This Much Fun Is Probably Illegal!
OG’s Danger Show💥
Bear Creek Arsenal .22 Upper Receiver // This Much Fun Is Probably Illegal!
Ed Flynn Retirement Video!
OG’s Danger Show💥
Ed Flynn Retirement Video!
The Best Home Defense Round?!?
OG’s Danger Show💥
The Best Home Defense Round?!?
Birdshot for Home Defense?!?!  Safe Tactic or Bad Planning?
OG’s Danger Show💥
Birdshot for Home Defense?!?! Safe Tactic or Bad Planning?
Beretta 1301 Tactical //  the best semi-auto shotgun for the money
OG’s Danger Show💥
Beretta 1301 Tactical // the best semi-auto shotgun for the money
Behind the Scenes with Xyla Foxlin and Taofledermaus, Shooting her Bulletproof Dress!
OG’s Danger Show💥
Behind the Scenes with Xyla Foxlin and Taofledermaus, Shooting her Bulletproof Dress!
Shooting Angry Steel!!! // Challenge Targets Human Silhouette #challengetargets
OG’s Danger Show💥
Shooting Angry Steel!!! // Challenge Targets Human Silhouette #challengetargets
The Toor Knives Tactical/Combat/EDC Tomahawk!
OG’s Danger Show💥
The Toor Knives Tactical/Combat/EDC Tomahawk!
Shooting Machine Guns from a Helicopter!  // HelicopterGunship, Las Vegas!
OG’s Danger Show💥
Shooting Machine Guns from a Helicopter! // HelicopterGunship, Las Vegas!
Taliban approaching Las Vegas?!  Send these boys in!
OG’s Danger Show💥
Taliban approaching Las Vegas?! Send these boys in!
OG Reads Mean Comments..Volume 2!
OG’s Danger Show💥
OG Reads Mean Comments..Volume 2!
Survival // EDC // Fighting Knife Perfection?
OG’s Danger Show💥
Survival // EDC // Fighting Knife Perfection?
Destroying Some Sacred Shotgun Myths!
OG’s Danger Show💥
Destroying Some Sacred Shotgun Myths!
Smith & Wesson M&P45 and Vedder Holsters!
OG’s Danger Show💥
Smith & Wesson M&P45 and Vedder Holsters!
Pimpin' Out the Marlin 1895 SBL!  // Viewer Donations!
OG’s Danger Show💥
Pimpin' Out the Marlin 1895 SBL! // Viewer Donations!
Using .22 for Self Defense & Training! // Viewer Suggestion
OG’s Danger Show💥
Using .22 for Self Defense & Training! // Viewer Suggestion